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Hey guys, again sorry for all the weirdness. For those who don’t know my cousin has recently passed and with that comes all the stress and awkward feels which has effected things around her.

Today however is the last day to say goodbye and things should be normal again soon. That’s why there won’t be a picture today.

Thanks so much for all the patience this month and for the great time in general. I appreciate you guys and all that you do for me.

We’ll be back again soon and I feel I have some new shit to show so I can’t wait.

Thank you.



You have my condolences.


Thank you so much. It’s put me in an odd slump. I haven’t really been drawing anything and have kinda been stress eating. Not a very healthy “vacation” for me but I feel I’m ready to start moving on.


Dude, it's cool. We've all been through shit, we all get it. Take as much time as you need, we're here to support you. Not just for kinky af drawings, as nice as those are.


All my heart with you, drawing shouldn't be a priority on these sad occasions, it's perfectly understandable, I wish you courage.