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Ok so whats going on? Basically I'm waiting for DA to send me the email so I can get back into my account. Yesterday on my phone I noticed the i was randomly signed out and for some reason my normal password was not being accepted. I'm 100% I had it down right especially since I just had an entire thing with passwords just a few months ago. So out of exhaustion i requested the password be changed thinking it be easy and the email would take only a few seconds. After a good 15 minutes I started to get nervous and asked for it to be changed again, thinking something went wrong. 

Next thing I knew I was logged out of my account on desktop leaving me completely on the outs. Which admittedly caused me to hit the panic button. I thought and still think I'll be getting the boot which after tumblr made get nervous. I've gotten better hold of myself and have decided to continue on until the issue gets resolved. There is a very good chance that me asking for more then one recovery email raised suspicion and this was just a necessary  precaution. So bare with me guys. We'll sort this all out later and keep on trucking. 

Idk what happens next. The place I'm posting now is here




Real talk when I saw the post on DA I thought it was some sort of joke. I hope everything is okay dude.


Good Luck with your account Man !


Thanks so much. I’m trying. I haven’t heard back from anyone until today and it was only a robotic email. I sent the info and am hoping to hear something soon. I just don’t know how long these things take and I’m afraid of being ignored


This is like getting locked out of my own party and people are just realizing im not there. I think what i need is a big picture to get SOME eyes on the new account so EVERYONE knows what’s going on. I think I have an idea on how to do that. It will involve changing some plans that I already had but it’s fine. Well see what happens tomorrow.


I'm sure you'll be Heard, those things happens everyday sadly, they know how to deal with it. I can only imagine how scary it must be, it only happened to my steam account once, and you only have in mind the worst that Can happen for hours until it's resolved. I have faith things will turn back to normal for you very soon, just try to relax if you can, the worse is behind you, keep strong !!!


Thank you very much! Yea I’m sure things will get back to normal too.