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When the weather girl Connie got her chance to move up to head anchor, she was trilled. It had always been her dream to do so, and the pay raise wouldn't be too bad either. It was even worth working with the "Bitch of Channel B", Jane. Can the two coexists? And exactly what will Connie do when Jane's foot fetish is made aware to her? Ir might just be too late.

Part: 1



Jane was on set of the Channel B News Network. Heels comfortably resting on her desk as she prepared to go on air. She had been with the station for a good while now and had earned the right to become the soul news anchor on the program. Channel B use to have a costar but eh, stuff happens. Besides, after the good 2 months of tease and denial she had put her poor “partner” through, he was willing to give her just about anything. In the end it was a fair trade. He got to worship her feet for a bit, humiliatingly masturbate in front of her, and be unemployed. On Jane’s side, the bitchy burnet got to have both salaries and become the face of Channel B. Fair trade…

It was a sweet gig too. She’d show up, say stuff, and as a reward get to see her beautiful smile all over the city. Exactly how she knew it deserved to be.

One of her favorite parts about the job though was getting to sneak glances at the cute weather girl Connie, another beautifully slim burnet that had joined the team not too long ago. Truth be told, like most people, Jane hated her too. Little upstart bitch, thinks she’s so prefect? Coming off like she believed she was SO much better then everyone, and of course all she had to do was flash that winning smile of her own and get whatever she wanted. That was JANE’S thing. In an industry as cutthroat as this one, everyone was a potential replacement for you. Everyone was an enemy in this game and there was no mistake about it, they WERE enemies. Connie knew it just as well. She’d put on a friendly/innocent front, but a convo between the two would quickly become “Back Handed Complement” the movie. In a way Jane was kind of right about her equally beautiful coworker. Connie DID think she was better.

The only part of the weather girl Jane would confess to being absolutely stunning was her feet. Admittedly the head anchor had a raging foot fetish and would even sometimes lose herself in daydreams of spoiling those pale soles as rotten as she was. The way Connie would point out the latest flash flooding’s would give Jane the most amazing glance of her long arches, peaking out from her high heels. One time it happened and Jane almost doubled over her chair trying to see as much as she possibly could. To this day Jane swears she heard Connie giggling at her. 

Speak of the devil, Connie came and stood by the seat next to Jane. She took a deep breath before doing so, knowing this would be a trial. Just hold that fake ass smile, act nice, and it all be over. The head anchor didn’t even acknowledge Connie; instead looking into her pocket mirror, making sure her makeup was perfect.

“Heyyyyyy Jane. How are you?” The weather girl asked with the most polite tone she could muster.

Jane, still not making eye contact, closed her pocket mirror with a loud click. She looked up for a second with a face that could best be described as, “AND HERE WE FUCKING GO”. However she did eventually glare at Connie with her own false smile.

“Coooooonnieee! Good to see you. To what do I owe you interrupting my makeup time?” Jane raised her eyebrows in an impatient manner. 

Connie breathed in deep through her nose. Here we fucking go….

“Tsk, aw I’m sorry Jane. Should I come back after your third coat of foundation or your fourth? I know your “makeup time” is a big factor in making you look presentable. I wouldn’t want to get in your way of that. ”Connie smiled wider now. The meaner her words, the more friendly she tried to sound.

Jane eyes looked away for a minute. Really letting that burn sink in. “…. What can I do you for Connie….”

“Did they not tell you? I’ll be having my tryouts today as your new cohost.” She confidently took her seat beside her without asking. Connie also electing to put her own heels on the desk for no other reason then a power play.

“…..co.. costar?..” Jane’s confident mask was slightly cracked upon hearing that news. She quickly got it back, renewing the strength in her grin. “T-that’s great! Isn’t it a wonderful time we live in? They’ll let just anyone be anything wont they?”

Luckily Connie’s face was out of that bitch’s view, so she wouldn’t see how pissed that comment got her. Again, deep breath, and coolly responded. “I think It’s more of getting some fresher faces on the screen. How did Janet put in? In need of some ‘young blood’…”

This couldn’t keep up, especially with them going on air pretty soon. Jane cleared her throat, side stepping the comment about her age. 

“Well I’m certainly happy for you Connie.” The former leading lady choked out.

“Thank you Jane. You’re not the only one. My boyfriend was over the moon when he heard the news!” The peppy girl in pink excitedly shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip.

“That’s greeeeaaaat.” Jane rolled her eyes unbeknownst to Connie. 

Again with her fucking boyfriend…. True she thought the guy was a cutie, but he’d be better suited as a footstool for her, for no other reason then to send a message to his sweet little girlfriend. Jane herself wasn’t one for relationships, having a “boys are toys” mentality. She’d even try seducing him every now and then, but Connie would always take special care to watch “her property”.

“Yep. We drank, we went out to dinner.” Then Connie leaned in close with a sly smile. This was the closest she would attempt to “extend the olive branch.” Who knows, maybe their sex lives might just be the thing to get them on the same page. 

“Then wheb he got back, I led him to the bedroom, tied him down, and did whatever I wanted with him. It WAS a celebration, I’ll tell you that much.~”

Jane’s eyes widened. She was shocked by the weather girl’s sudden honesty, and the fact that this bitch was apparently just as kinky as her from the sound of it. Her face blushed a slight red. Especially since in Jane’s fantasies it was always Connie tied to the bed. Gasping and panting through breathless moans while she had her way with her. Especially those beautiful feet, if Jane ever got a chance like that she might not ever let her go.

“Oh really?~” She couldn’t hide her own playfulness with such things. “Details?” It was Connie’s turn to blush now. Oh wow, she honestly didn’t expect any actual feedback from the Queen B of Channel B. Eh, fuck it. This was the first step after all. If they were going to work together and coexist then they would have to find some common ground. A level of trust. Also what would be the worse that could happen? Jane blabs and the office knows she likes sex? Wow, big whoop. Besides, Connie had formed friendships that were built on weirder foundations then her sex life.

“Oh it was just great. My Chad is for sure a naughty boy. Well, I guess I’m a bit naughty myself. When it comes to my feet, he can’t really resist them. So I had a splendid time, with my feet in his face while I just played with his desperate stiffy.” The weather girl clenched her thighs together remembering the amazing sounds her boyfriend made as he begged for her through muffled worship of her soles.

Jane was taken a back. She pegged Connie as a pillow princess who probably thought “fetish” was a type of food. What also took her off balance was a non-too small twinge of jealousy. That loser she was dating? HE got to worship her feet. Pfff. Pleasse… He probably couldn’t do the things that she could. Jane just knew that if SHE ever got her hands on those precious feet, Connie wouldn’t know what to do herself. The bitchy head anchor drifted off into her own sweet fantasy of domination. 

Thought’s Connie’s feet took over Jane’s mind, her victim bound and waiting. She would waist no time in worshiping and tickling those arches in agonizing detail. The weather girls toes would curl her mouth as her superior tongue took her to new heights of sexual pleasure. All this fantasy Connie could do was pant and moan her mistress’s name. HER mistress. HER superior.

Jane snapped out of her daydream before anyone could notice how aroused she was getting. She couldn’t take this desire anymore. How in the world would she ever focus on her work again with Connie’s heels RIGHT there, resting on HER desk, teasing Jane with just how close they were. Not to mention she was FAR from keen on sharing her spot light. It was then the face of Channel B thought of a plan. It was crazy for sure, but Jane could possibly kill two birds with one stone. Or in this case, break one weather girl with two feet.

Connie was deep in conversations with backstage hands, giving Jane the perfect opportunity to slip under the desk. Undetected. And wait.

Jane stayed perfectly silent as to not be detected by anyone above her. There, lurking under the desk, waiting to pounce, she texted her yes-men backstage in order for the taping to go ahead without her. Within seconds Connie got the word shed be going in this one alone as a “true test”, something she knew she was up for. If she only knew

‘Lets see JUST how good little miss weather girl does all on her own.”

True Jane loved the spotlight, but right now, as Connie moved her feet RIGHT next to her face, there was no other place the head anchor would rather be. Jane waited for the right time to strike. She’d give Connie some time to get comfortable, then and only then would she make her move.

A good 10 minutes had past, Connie had been caring herself well, just as Jane knew she would. She’d poked at Connie all the time, but it was only because she knew how capable she was. Jane knew more then anyone that it wasn’t a matter IF Connie took her place, it was WHEN. Well kow Jane was going to poke at her in a whole other way.

In one quick motion Jane flicked off Connie’s high heel and voilà! Connie’s toes wiggled in the open breeze, so cute… so innocent… Jane could just….

The cameraman gave Connie the signal that they were coming back to her. She got her papers in order and then she felt it. It was slow at first but gained speed. It felt like a single finger lazily tracing her right foot from heel to toe. Just mindlessly up and down, light as a feather, and no matter how much she tried to scoot away from the sensation it followed. 

Connie bit her lip immediately to hold back the laughter building inside of her. Her feet were far too sensitive, even for a light sensation like that. What the hell was going on? Who was doing this to her? To Connie’s dismay though the script started to fall from the teleprompter. Not wanting to do anything that would damage her chances of moving forward in her career, she tried to block the situation for her mind and press on. Tickling or other wise.

“Later on, lo.. local law enforcement… ahem. Local law enforcement arrived on the sceheheh….hehe… on the scene later that day to retrieeeeeeee.. oh god sthahahapp.. toooohhohoohohoho retrieve the body of the gunmen. In other news..”

Meanwhile back under the table, Jane was in raptured with Connie’s one helpless foot. Her reactions were just as adorable as Jane could have hoped for, and now this ticklish weather girl was all hers. She teased under the toes and around the sides. First lightly raking at the flesh with her manicured nails, but then electing to softly massaging them with the pads of her fingers.

The poor foot wiggled and squirmed, but it was useless. Like it or not it was going to be tickled and teased for all it was worth. There was nothing anyone could do about, the only course of action was to laugh, the last thing Connie wanted to do in front of her coworkers and the viewing public. She tried to choke back her laughter, something that only aroused Jane more.

“Ahh ahh aahhh! That’s so rude of you Connie. Depriving the nation of such a beautiful giggle. Come now dear, show the world those purely whites!” Jane whispered to herself as she grabbed her enemy’s ankle and quickly scratched her index finger all along the foot’s helpless arch.

“Tickle tickle tickle. Coochi coochi coo. Laugh for me Connie. Show everyone just how much you like my tickle tickle tickles!”

Connie was really struggling at this point. No matter how hard she tried to block it out the tickling was always there. It slowly ate away at her resolve and all she wanted to do was laugh. Well that wasn’t fully honest. Something about these touches, these teases, the sensations assaulting her nerves… It was all so very arousing. The nail played ever so fiendishly about her wrinkles and it made her want to just moan out in submission. 

It was almost like Connie was forgetting where she was. The tickling made her feel like she was in the comfort of her own bed, being pleasured by her boyfriend, him slyly knowing JUST what to do to get her in the mood. She enjoyed being played like an instrument. BUT NOT LIKE THIS! Not in front of all these people, with a job on the line. She sweated bullets as the nail worked its way up to under her toes.


She bit her lip even tighter but it was too late. She nearly was digging her nails into the desk. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh!

It was then Connie got a lucky break. The cameraman motioned to the next anchor with sports. Bizarrely enough it was like no one had known what she was going through, or had they? Maybe it was Connie being paranoid, but she swore she noticed stagehands giggling at her ordeal.

Once she got the chance she looked under the desk, face all red, and who else was there but Jane.

“JANE!?” The weather girl exclaimed in a loud whisper. Knowing it was her tickling her made her even more embarrassed. “You fucking bitch! You get out from under there this instant! And leave my feet alone!”

“Hmmmmm… You mean these feet hehe? Yea no, I don’t think so….~” Just then Jane leaned in to give Connie’s bare sole a LONG lick. In an instant Connie leaned her body back on the chair as the sensation of pleasure ran through her entire body. OH FUCK! That felt so fucking good! She bit her finger to hold back the moan that desperately wanted to be released

“MMmmmmmmuuuuuuurrrrggggghgggghhh!” Connie couldn’t help it as the low moan slowly escaped from her lips as quietly as it could. Sadly enough the only person who heard it was the person who wanted to hear it most.

“Was that a moan Connie? Oh you naughty little girl. You want more don’t you? Poor thing, your in the big leagues now sweet heart.” With that Jane started to full out worship her cohost’s pretty feet. There wasn’t an inch of her soles she left without a small kiss mark or a sensual lick. 

Nononononononoooooooooooooooogoooooooood…. Oh pleeeaaaasseeeeee….~” Connie couldn’t take it. Jane might as well have been relentlessly pleasuring her pussy with the way this made her feel. It made her o hot, so wet, so…. It was so hard to understand he own feelings now.

“Say I’m better.”

“W-wha? W-what do you..”

“SAY I’m better then your boyfriend. Now. Or else I’m going to make pretty little Connie cum on air with just her pretty little tootsies!”

Connie’s eyes almost popped out of her skull. Something about the way Jane spoke to her. Oh my god. It was so… naughty, so dominant… so fucking sexy. It was hard for the weather girl to admit, but part of her didn’t just want to cum, it wanted JANE to make her cum. That fucking bitch. She had ALL the power over her now. A fact that aroused her just as much as it did anger.

“Say it now Connie. Or else I’m just never going to stop mouth fucking your perfect little feet. It’s your choice dear. I’ve already won.” Jane stuck her tongue out in a mocking fashion. She even threw in a little wink, just to be a bitch.

“Y-your….g-go to hell!”

“Hmhmhm. Let’s go together then honey.” Jane grabbed both of Connie’s ankles. The new cohost not even putting up a fight as her soles got closer to the hungry mouth of her superior. “Feet first!~”

Connie grabbed the armrests of the chair to prepare herself. There was no preparing for this though. Jane wasn’t just all talk, she used every bit of her skill to make Connie feel sensations she most certainly wouldn’t feel anywhere else. She nibbled, she licked, she kissed, all of which made Connie’s orgasm all the more intense. Props to her though, she managed to keep it quite. For the duration of a three-minute orgasm Connie welded her lips shut and screamed into her own mouth.

When it was all said and done Connie just laid back dazed. 




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