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I wonder if anyone will remember these two.


When Polly asked me to be her boyfriend I was fucking overjoyed. The hot angry red haired girl from the back of the lecture? Hell yea!

 I mean sure we’ve only talked a few times, and the most meaningful conversation of the lot was her bullying my bondage fetish out of me. So I was a bit confused by the offer, but happy nonetheless!

 I mean yea she’s a bit stand offish when you’re first getting to know her, and not really much nicer afterwards either; but she’s great. Also, did I mention kinky? That girl is something alright. Something good, something bad, hell if I know. One thing was for sure, being in bed with Polly is the wildest, and possibly best experience in my life.

Her favorite thing though is tickling. TICKLING! Weird shit at first. Personally never thought about the action in means of the bedroom, but DAMN Polly is crazy about it. Didn’t matter if she was doing it light or hard, it would mess me up.

We didn’t even get through our first date before she tied me to the driver seat of my car, arms over my head. I was completely helpless.

Like, I didn’t even know I was so ticklish. She only needed to poke my pits and I’d scream my life away. Of course Polly being some sort of sadist, that would only spur her on to carry out a full blown ten nail tickle attack. It would start easy but the grazing would keep getting a little bit more forceful. A little bit more “deliberately torturous” until I was a broken man. She’d chastise me for laughing, she’d chastise me for getting hard about being chastised. You can never see her eyes, so she’s hard to gage, but that smile says it all. It says, “You’re my bitch!”

Humiliating? Oh for sure, she only calls me “stupid” as a pet name now after that, but it was all worth it for the tickling after, in a very special place. ;)

Haha.. yea..


Edging was another thing I had NO CLUE existed........ did you know she could take awhile.... like awhile... like a log while.......



..... did you know I’m still waiting actually to cum from that first date???? Also every session since... we’ve been dating for 3 months now.

Haha.. yea. Polly- She-.... she likes to wait. That... that’s fine! If I feel this good before hand I can only imagine how good I’ll feel after.

.... Ok look, I know this just kinda sounds like complaining but really this stuff doesn’t bother me.

.... so it bothers me more then a bit, but shut up I’m talking.

The biggest complaint I have about this relationship though is Polly’s friend Barbie. Polly at least has the title of “girlfriend”. Barbie? She just treats me like a toy. And Polly does NOTHING a bout it. The little sadist thinks it’s funny. Plus Barbie is always quick to call “seniority”.

Barbie says she teases cause she likes me but I’m not so sure. She’s got a thing for tickling too and if I didn’t know any better I think It’s where Polly got her obsession. 

She’s worse. Much worse.





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