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Hey guys. I want to move on to the next chapter of this Patreon. To do that though, I need the ok from you.

First off I want to say thank you all for helping us reach our first goal, I’m going to be real, when I first started this Patreon I didn’t think I was reaching that thing for years. Because of that the goal itself was very nondescript. Now it’s reached and I feel I’ve been caught with my pants down. For that I need to apologize.

I’m sorry if it feels I haven’t properly thanked you guys for what’s happened here. I truly can’t thank you all enough, so it’s kinda why I’ve been working as much as I have. Just to show you how much I appreciate all this. I’ve also realized one of the biggest rewards I wanted to do is out of my reach right now so I have to put it on the back burner and inch up to it.

I want to do it right next time. This goal snuck up on me so what I want to do is set the next goal (something voted on by all of you) and work on it while we reach it. That way when it’s reached the reward is posted and it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Does this sound like a good idea for all you? I don’t want to make a decision before I know your all ok with it.

We’ll have a poll tomorrow to decide what’s going to be the reward for the next goal. Would you guys want a several chapter story from me (whole nine yards I’ll hire and editor and everything). Or do you guys want an animated gif? Little do you guys know I’m something of an animator so a project like comes pretty naturally. Let me know.


Zeneeta (Dai Kina)

Animated gif would be awesome in my opinion, or maybe a sort of short "minigame" mostly made of animations and buttons for turning them on/off? Sort of like the Madlab from another tkl artist on deviantart, but with your great draws in it instead~