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Hey all! I decided to do a little Q&A on all the sites I’m on, so ask away.



Who would you say are your biggest artistic inspirations? When did you first start getting into the kinky side of drawing? What would you consider your biggest strengths and weaknesses? What’s something you always wanted to draw but, for one reason or another, you never got a chance to? Have you ever considered creating a full-length comic or an ongoing series? Something long-term with an established universe and characters?


Ok! In order! I get inspired by anything. That Night Wing tickle story only happened caused I booted up Arkham City. It’s just a matter of if I’m going to actually do something about it or just let the idea rot. Young. Just a horny kid who wasn’t seeing what he wanted to see online so I started making my own stuff. It’s not really the same these days. Now I’m just the guy throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. And I like that. Being different is good, shows a lot of variety. Biggest strength is that I work constantly and never stop. Biggest weakness is that I work constantly and I never stop. Another is that I’m a creature of habit. If I’m thrown off my schedule or hit a speed bump it can throw me through an Unnecessary tail spin Hmmmmmm... idk. Not to sound overconfident but I feel I’m at a stage of my abilities where I can really do whatever I wanted if I’m willing to put in the time.... Ok, yes but this kinda goes into the last question. Yes and yes. Not so much a comic since I don’t really know the proper way to do them and I time they would take. This is a good question cause as we speak the debut of a new series is on its way. I’m treating it more like a “pilot”. I’ll release it and see how it goes, if it’s well received I’ll keep going, if no one cares and you know what? Maybe the idea isn’t worth pursuing. It’s going to be a story and a cover. If it goes down super well then I’ll certainly know what I’ll want to make for the big 1000 goal.


Thanks a ton for answering! Good to know you’re another person who adheres to ‘create what you want but don’t see’. And I wouldn’t say you sound overconfident, more like secure. You’ve busted your ass, put in the hours, and I think you’ve earned the right to stunt/flex/whatever the kids are saying today. 👍🏾 Can’t wait to see what you come up with next~!^^