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Hey guys! I wanted to talk about decline cards for a second. It’s not a serious convo, I just need to explain myself so we are all on the same page. 

If you guys get a message for me about your card being declined it’s not an immediate “pack your shit and leave.” I don’t mean to sound hostile or pushy at all. I feel like miss this understanding happens a lot. It’s just me letting you know what’s up. I understand banks are difficult and sometimes out of our control, especially with Patreon.

For that reason I’ll be checking for decline cards on the 4th. I know for some it takes a few days so I’ll give a bit of time so no one gets stressed. If your card is still declined by then you’ll get a message and an email from me.

The rules from that are the rules above in the Patreon info. From the time you get that email you’ll have a week to sort it out before you are *Temporarily* blocked. If you miss the deadline but still want to join just email me and I’ll lift the block. As long as the payment comes through I’m fine. 

It may make me seem anal or a hard ass but at the end of the day I have to police this place by myself and make sure everything is fair. I hope you all understand. I don’t wish to insult or strong arm any of you guys. It’s like a speed bump. It’s annoying for sure but it’s a second and then it’s over. Then we can all enjoy our October drive...... yea that metaphor works.



We understand dude, do you know how many times I get an email that’s like lmao payment declined and then the next day it’s like jk you’re chill. It’s annoying af