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Yea, so I slightly changed 9S's design. I just really hate the original and how dumb those shorts look and most importantly, how he looks.. well 9. Just can't get into that. Everything else  about the character is cool though.

In fact, I'll just change the name to get confusion out of the way...... 10S. I'll take my award, we're operating on Lilo and Stitch logic now mother fucker! lol


Adam and Eve have been holding 10S for days now, messing with his mind, among other things. Since the two androids decided to not bring the humans to them, they just had to study what they could find. If the humans made these units to look like them, what other qualities do they share with their creator?

Through their poking and prodding they noticed that if nothing else these androids shared one thing in common with their masters. They were able to derive pleasure from touch. Some hunan used this quality against others, sometimes to heighten pleasure or frustration. Tickling they called it. They tickled him to great lengths. Starting at his feet and ending at his arm pits. 10S wasn't able to fight back against a thing he was never trained for. There wasn't a way he was about to turn himself where soft teasing fingers wouldn't follow

In a last ditch effort 10S tried to hack his way out of this torment but in doing so he let Adam in rather then getting himself out. Inside 10S's mind Adam could see exactly what their tests were doing to the android. All this was bringing him to a point where he would feel that pleasure that human's craved constantly. If this was so important to humans, was it as important to 10S? What would happen if they stopped him from achieving this pleasure.

10S could feel a block on himself. His arousal could no longer climb any higher, and what was worse, Adam now had full control of his system. With that the two cruelly curious robots continued their studies. Seeing just how far they could push their new toy.


2B was able to fend off Adam and retrieve 10S. She was ready to bring her partner home when the PoD informed her that Adam though the hacking of the Scouter's could have left him corrupted, or even holding a bit of himself inside his system waiting to strike. It was now her mission to see what was what. Find out what 10S knows. She couldn't take the chance. So... this was ok then? Perfect<3.

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