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Gray hasn't been paying his dealer and now its time to pay the piper in an entirely different way. With a few modifications the home town genius Tyler was able to turn his little dinky oil dispenser into a flat out hell beast. As punishment for Gary it will be his job to showcase the monstrosity and hopefully even win. Maddy, Dash's girlfriend though is kinda like all of you. Win loose or draw, what matters is that she gets to see what she wants. Gary, a ticklish mess in front of the eyes of everyone at the Fetish Science Fair.


It was early, three hours before the Fetish Science Fair started. Gary pushed back his long black hair as he nervously waited for Maddy. He knew it’s what got him into this mess in  the first place, but knowing what today was going to be, Gary couldn’t help but smoke his blunt. Taking a big long hit and blowing the smoke out the window. Maddy was always an air head but Gary couldn’t help she was purposely being late just to fuck with him. It was no secret he was nervous about all this. Just when he was about to have a panic attack the vacated libraries entrance opened.

“Hey Gar Bear! Hope you actually payed for that blunt, otherwise things might get worse.” Maddy poked, adding a bitchy little shrug of her shoulders and an over friendly smile as she walked right passed the handsome pot head.

“Yea yea... let’s just get this over with. How do I get in anyway?” Gary smoked again, hand visibly trembling.

Maddy plopped herself on the presentation desk, flirtatiously crossing her long bare legs, teasing a possible peak up her skirt that was just a BIT too short. She kicked off her flip flops trying to get more comfortable. 

“You think I know? I’m just here to present, look pretty, and enjoy the show. Dash and his buddies should be here soon to “help you”. Hehe.~”

“Oh joy.....” Gary rolled his eyes. God this bites. He told Dash he’d get his money as soon as he was able to land a new job. Consequently, maybe he’d fair better with that if his body wasn’t made up of more THC then blood. Though it could be worse.

 Dash had a reputation of being vicious with people who didn’t pay, and his boxing background gave him the means to do so, but Dash always kinda liked Gary. They were closer back in the day and though he could be a jerk sometimes Gary had to admit even he would have punched himself for the way he acted on occasion. There were a lot of sides to this that made it very weird, but he was too stoned and too wound up to tackle them all mentally.

“Oh just breath and take a seat. You standing is making me nervous.” She patted the space next to her. Gary sneered at the offer but actually his legs were hurting from nervously pacing so much. He yielded and sat next to the blond.

“What time is Dash getting here???”

“Why? Excited?” The hot blond bit her finger as her poking got the reactions she wanted out of the cute stoner boy. “Come on Gary, it’ll be fun! To watch anyway, as for being in your spot...” Out of nowhere Maddy rested her naked heels on his thighs, giving Gary the best view of her perfect pale feet. There wasn’t a single imperfection on them beside from a cute little beauty mark right under her left pinky toe. She casually scrunched and flexed then while she spoke.

“I don’t know. I don’t think MY little feet could take it, do you?..~”

Gary’s was mesmerized by the site of the high ponytailed blond’s gorgeous feet. Whether he was high or just that smitten he felt himself leaning forward a little. Maddy realized and capitalized immediately by using her right foot to press the dazed young man’s head back. She slowly glided her toes down his cheek. 

“They’re just so.... ticklish.<3” She laughed as she had him hanging on ever word, not to mention her toes as they ended at his chin and had him follow his head forward with them before resting them back down. “Dash likes it though. He loves listening to me giggling while I give him a pretty little footjob.~”

Gary had no fucking clue what this was. Was this part of the punishment? God she was so hot, and her now pressing the bottoms of her feet into his crotch wasn’t helping!!

Maddy bit her lip as she pushed down firmer. “You like them too don’t you Gar Bear? My pretty. Little. Feet.~”

Just then the library door swung open. Four guys walked in, three in hoods, gloves, sweat pants, and animal masks. Dash said that they were gonna do that do to the video cameras here, didn’t make it any less weird, dash probably being the one with the fox mask.... fucking dork. Speaking of, the last one was a normally dressed guy who was shorter then everyone. He looked in his 20’s and had that really nerdy way of dressing. Glasses, bowl hair cut, if he was ugly there’d be no hope for the poor fuck, didn’t stop him looking as smug as Maddy though.

Speaking of, her feet were gone in the time it took for the door to open. Gary didn’t think it was to hide her being a brat though, more of now that her boyfriend was here he didn’t matter.

“Hey baby!” She waved excitedly.

“Hey hun. Read the notes ok? With Tyler working the machine he’s not going to be able to talk at the same time.” Dash’s voice came out of the Fox as expected, he spoke with a casual tone, not really feeling the need to put on a scary voice or act as intimidating as this all was. “Yo. Gary. You know the drill. You boys make sure he strips. Tyler your with me, let’s finish this thing.”

“Wooo! Take it off Gary!~” Maddy raised her hands in victory as the two of Dash’s friends stood over the handsome young man to make sure he complied. He gave them no reason to be rough though, nervously doing what was expected of him. Honestly he didn’t care THAT much about being underdressed as long as he kept his underwear on, which he did. Besides from that he could deal with a bit of nudity and maybe a longing glare or two from Maddy, which she did. Her eyes peaking out from the notes she’d have to read to present this... THING.

Dash meanwhile hung over Tyler’s shoulder as he worked. “Thanks again for your help. Sorry to bring your project into this.”

Tyler pushed his glasses up a bit while he finished up. “Well when you first pitched it to me I was ready to tell you to get out of town.. then I saw what we were dealing with here and well.. how could I say no to something like this?” The younger guy said looking past his work and glaring at Gary, who now felt like he was being sized up on all angles.

“You ticklish there big guy?” Tyler asked smugly.

“Shut up.” Gary looked past him, a little embarrassed to look the little guy in the eye.

“Awwww sucks to be you, cause I’m making this bad boy a MONSTER. Better get ready. This thing is away more then a foot oil dispenser now.”

Gary was finding it hard to pay attention as now and again a finger found a way to his slim toned body. It was Maddy and the two other hoods.


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