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“I grow tired of your games miss O’Neil.” The intimidating silhouette of Shredder stood over the trusted up body of the beautiful news reporter.

Looks like that tip off about the Foot Clan hideout was right on the money, except for the details of when the Clan would return. Though if it wasn’t dangerous then it wasn’t worth reporting as April always thought. Though, this might be just a little too much danger for her liking. Maybe she should have taken Mikey up on those karate lessons. 

“I will only ask one more time reporter.... “ April could clearly see the threatening glare in the clan leader’s piercing red eyes as he leaned in with each word. “Where. Are. The. Turtles....”

The plucky news reporter scooted backed against the chair she was bound to. Trying her best to distance herself away from the fiend’s who’s drew closer still. Her adorable face crunched up to form an annoyed pout.

“You’re the super villain here, you tell me! Or with all that armor are you more suited to be a walking talking mirror??” The comment set the villain back a few inches in shock, it also earned a bit of snickering from the ninjas that stood guard in the storage room she was being held.

The laughter soon stopped once Shredder turned his menacing glare on his own underlings for their disrespect. The only thing that could be heard then was him taking out his blade.

April’s eyes widened.”Gulp...”

Shredder started to pace around her, blade in hand. “Know this reporter, the only thing valuable about your life is the info you hold.”

April tried her best to stay calm, but sharp things were never really something she enjoyed. Especially that close to her. As hard as she tried for hide it, her fear showed.

“T-then haha, I would hate to part ways with it....” she closed her eyes as Shredder loomed behind her. She felt the blade on her neck. Relief didn’t come until she heard the sound of of the blade being put away... and a coded knock on the door.

“Mark my words Miss O’Neil. You will. Let her in.” The door was open by the  Clansmen standing guard. “You see Miss O’Neil, there is another reason I allow you to stay  with us in the land of the living. A third party has great interest in you.”

The clicking of heels could be heard as the mysterious “her” entered the storage room of the hide out stopping before she stepped into the light. She tsked at the view of April’s bound, curvy body, spokinh with a youthful New York dialect.

“Didn’t I tell ya boys how I wanted her?”

Shredder, seemingly finding the mystery woman’s attitude amusing, shrugged off the comment with a deep chuckle. He walked off to the side of the room, into the shadows where he could no longer be seen by April.  ”Oh DO excuse us for the error hmhmhm.... go on men.” 

“Hey! What’s going on! Someone talk to me! HEY! G-Get this off NOW! AH!!! LEAVE MY SHOES ALONE YOU CREEPS! AH! OW! WATCH WITH THAT ROPE!!!” April protested and struggled but the Foot Clan’s handy work continued uninterrupted. She was blindfolded and relieved of her boots, her pretty feet exposed for all to see. Oh and they were most certainly seen. Most of the ninjas there had to adjust themselves from the site of her beautiful pale arches. They almost felt bad for her, but not as bad as how they wanted to see what comes next.

April suddenly felt all the hands grabbing her leave. The work was done. Now even more helpless then before with her feet suspended by rope, toes tied. Vulnerable. The clicking could be heard again. Louder. LOUDER. By the sound of it she was being circled once more. Finally it stopped, it sounded as if a chair was pulled up beside her and whoever this was took a seat.

“Look at ya. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier broad then you toots.” Her accent was rough, but her voice soft. Almost caressing her ear as she spoke into it. Her lips gently brushing against it. It sent a certain kind of shiver up her spine...

“Tell me little miss goody goody, this seem particularly familiar to ya?”

April started to breath heavy, her large breasts straining against her yellow jump suit. “I-I... u-ummm. I think I’d remember something like this...” 

“Hmmmmm how bout this?~” 

Suddenly April felt something glide down her cleavage. It felt soft, like.... ticklish. It wasn’t a finger. It felt like a.... kinda like a.... what was it???

“..... tickle tickle little April.~”

April’s entire body jolted with surprise. It was years ago but it all came flooding back like it was yesterday! The feather! The laughing! The torture!!!


Instantly her blindfold was pulled down so the captor and captive could meet face to face. And there she was. She hard to be in her twenties, younger then her. A ravishing raven haired young woman who the reporter had no problem admitting to herself that she was damn fine looking. She sported a tight black tube top that was certainly working overtime along with black jeans with huge rips in the thighs, and the culprit of the clicking being some very high heels. She smiled smugly at April, her black gangster hat hiding her eyes.

“It’s Francesca actually. Charmed I’m sure. I’m so touched you remember my pops, he sure remembered you. Even when they through him in the slammer!!”

Francesca quickly stood from her chair, grabbing a handful of April’s hair and pulled it back along with her head. Not like she was yanking it from the roots, but like a lover in the heat of the moment of climax. 

Turtelli looked down at O’Neil’s body, licking the teeth of her Cheshire Cat smile.

“Let me tell ya somethin sweets, it’s a hard life when daddy goes away. I get pulled outta my school and have to take over the family business. Don’t worry though. I only blame ya a lot!!  Oh la la, The gig does come with its own perks though.”

The fiery criminal tauntingly waved her feather above the reporters shocked flustered face. Shredder, not to be forgotten, spoke from the darkness.

“Get the info I require before sunrise and the reporter is yours. As agreed.  My men are ready to go as soon as we have a location.”

“I hear ya metal head. Which means you and me little missy have 4 hours. And I intend to make the most out of every single second.” Francesca never broke her gaze with April. Then in a unexpected twist she tightened the blindfold around her mouth, repurposing it as a gag. April struggled and protested, but it now only came out as muffles  and grunts. With that and a knowing wink the young Turtelli went to what will surely lead her to the info she wanted. April’s sensitive, helpless, ticklish feet.

“Keep track of yourself girl. Fail to deliver and pay the consequences.”

Francesca rolled her eyes and brought the chair with her. She sat right in front of what would now be the object of her attention for the night. She made sure to loop past the feet to get a good look of their owners face. April was clearly all turned around. She knew she was in trouble now.

“Now lets see.” Francesca slowly drew her feather down the ball of her foot right down to the heel. April’s turned her head away, embarrassed that she had ALREADY shown weakness. The gangster smile only grew wider.

“Ah, the hell with it!” She suddenly chucked the feather behind her and went to town. All ten of her fingers fluttered all around April’s feet with with humiliating glee. She mimicked the feather movement from before and scribbled her fingers from ball to heel over and over again. Up to down. Up to down. All the while April’s feet put on the sexiest show for her, flexing and wiggling. Showing off those oh so tantalizing wrinkles. “Oh yes sweet face, ya in for a whole different kinda ticklin with me baby. Now laugh. No questions right now. Just laughter.”




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