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Dear Mr. Tease,

I bet you think your pretty cute huh? Flashing those feet around for anyone to see? For me to see. Very naughty indeed...

We’ll unfortunately for you, I do find you very cute. Me and a few others. I think I’ll take you as a matter of fact. No doubt you need to be controlled with behavior like this, kept in check... Broken.~

Look at all these pictures of those precious soles. So many poses, to be quite honest with you I’m a bit obsessed. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Do you know what kind of attention you’ll get like this? Horribly fiendish tickle attention. The kind that’ll leave you panting hopelessly on a bed with a hard cock and tied toes, begging for any kind of relief your mean captors would give you. If they were to give you any that is.

Poor boy. Im looking at your profile right now. So easy to find... So this is the cutie who’s been having all sorts of fun teasing us with his feet? Oh my!<3 You sure do love the beach! Look at that body of yours! Just beautiful. Mmm looks like things are even worse then I thought.

Not to be rude dear, but you look really easy to break. I can already see the tears roll down your handsome face as you beg to make the tickling stop. Can you imagine it as well? Me just sitting there at the foot of the bed, just tracing my lovely nails up and down your poor soles? Delicately scratching the arches of your foot. Maybe if I tickle hard enough I’ll get to see that sexy body thrash around. You want to show it off to me don’t you? Or do you only want to do that when you think your safe from me? Oh you’re just so mean aren’t you.~

Oh gosh I can just see it so clearly, can’t you? My beautiful face staring back at you while you just beg me, someone you’ve never met to just STOP the tickling. Just for a little bit. Oh god your feet will be so spent. Do you know what I’ll say to you then my naughty little tease?

“Tickle tickle tickle.~”

Do you like tickle talk? I love it. I love cooing it in a lovely singing voice, my cool breath caressing your ear as my words wash over you. Making you hot~.  Oh you’ll buck, you’ll blush, you’ll feel so helpless and pathetic... but you know what I’ll say back to you cutie?

“Tickle tickle tickle. Coochie Coochie coo. Look at the pathetic ticklish boy, can’t even fight back against a little loving touch. Serves him right for flaunting such a tempting ticklish body. Tickle. Tickle. Tickle~”

And this is all before I use my toys! You can’t expect me to have beautiful feet like yours as my playthings and not bring out all my evil little tickle tools! Starting with the oil. Oh yes, I absolutely want to just have my fingers slide all over your nerves without the slightest bit of friction. And not just my fingers, brushes too. I have a BIG collection of brushes I’ve just been itching to scrub you with, but for your sake I say we’ll start nice and slow with some fur gloves....

Oh yes, I think that’s exactly the kind of punishment you’re asking for. And don’t worry my dear little tease, I’m just the person to do it to you. I’ll be sure to introduce you to a whole new world of ticklish desperation. Feet first!

Though is that enough for someone like you. Hours of tickling alone can be the hellish experience but for your crimes I think things can get a bit more “lewd”.

Tell me love, ever had that cock of yours tickled? Have you ever had your most personal area explored by a slow caressing finger? Or maybe a VERY friendly feather. Just delicately scratching or swishing up and down your full length. My other boys love it a lot. At first. Eventually they break, either from them being weak or me just really wanting show them what for. For you my lovely tease it’ll probably be both.

I personally like to pay all my sensual attention to the head of your erection. After the third hour of edging it’s almost becomes as swollen and red as an apple. Shining so wonderfully from your desperately dripping pre-cum as I careful work my cruel administrations all around your engorged ridges. OH! I just had the idea of getting you there with my gloves!<3 God I can’t wait.

That means I’ll have to find something else to use on your feet. Maybe some Q-tips between your toes? Oh gosh I’ll have to make a plan if we’re to make the most of our time together before your off to the next one. I already have 3 friends demanding there time with you.

Honestly, you can’t expect that I’m the only one you’ve attracted with someon. Your quite the little celebrity on the sites I go on.~ Who EXACTLY did you think all those views were? Aspiring  podiatrists??? Lmao! No...

You my unlucky pet have turned a lot of heads. Horrible tickle sadistic heads. And we’re gonna make sure we show you who’s boss. And the most exciting thing is you just don’t know WHEN we’ll come for you. But we will. Make no mistakes.

So if I were you poor thing... I’d start running.

See you soon lover boy,
Tickle. Tickle. TICKLE~<3

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I don't have a cock, but i'd get one to receive an email like that Ahahahah! ~kidding obvs


Ah don’t worry about that! All we need is a cucumber, a mushroom, some duck tape, and some skin-colored paint and you’ll no one will tell the difference! I mean go comically large or go home ;p


I have a nice cock that is sensitive to the slightest touch. And sensitive balls and feet to match