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Nightwing woke up with his head spinning, not knowing what hit him. By the amount of the pain on the back of his head he’d say something pretty hard.

“ Wakey wakey pretty boy!”

It took a minute for Dicks eyes to focus. As soon as he did he was greeted by the ugly mug of the Penguin. The site was enough to make Nightwing want to spit, sadly it wouldn’t hit the target do the the glass separating them. 

“Ah ah! Best not get it dirty, it’ll soil the rest of my collection.”

As the young hero looked around he saw just what was unfolding before him. He was now trapped in Arkham City, held up in Penguins museum. His goons must have gotten the jump on him. 

Dick scowled at the villain laughing with his men. Fine, let them laugh. When he gets out he’ll break every one of their faces.

“Well now that we got the Canary boys, let’s get to work on the bat! MOVE IT!”

The henchmen that were all standing around laughing quickly leapt to action as they stormed out. Others came out from the Iceberg Lounge, about four guys in combat gear and ski masks. No doubt the ones who would be keeping guard.

Oswald didn’t stick around too long, already looking for the bigger catch. He lit a cigar and went about his business.

“Have fun boys. Keep him company.” With that he left.

Dick took this time to get a look of his surroundings. His cage was exactly that, or at least had the esthetic of one. They even got some fake birds to hang from the ceiling. Cute. 

Nightwing  shuffled a little to get a feel for his bonds. His arms were interlocked and knotted tightly behind his back. He could feel a cord from behind that attached him to the ceiling of his cell. It was lose enough to wiggle around but there seem to be no give. He could see that his entire suit was removed, belt and all. All he had was his full body under-armor, or what was left, it was cut off completely at the arms and chest. The rest of it riddled with holes big and small. As for the rest of him, his knees we’re latched together by he same strong rope that held his upper body and his feet...

“Well look here boys. Boss got himself a bird. Isn’t he cute?” One chuckled.

“The same one that broke my jaw last time I saw him. I oughta snap his neck!” Another scowled.

“Careful there dumb ass. You break him and the boss feeds you to tiny. The important ones stay alive.” The third one stated with his arms folded.

“Pfff you counting him as important?” The last jokingly shoved the sterner sounding grunt as they all laughed.

Dick scowled out them. Yea they think their funny right? He cooly tossed out. “I mean let’s be honest with ourselves. There is nothing my foot can do to your face to make you any uglier.”

His joke not landing so well as the last, the guards just looked on. It’s then Dick noticed a crucial threat in all of this. Outside with them those jerks were his feet. And they were naked. It’s then he truly analyze the eyes of the four men. The hero’s mouth quickly closed shut.

“Awww what’s wrong? Come on ShiteNight, tell me more about your feet....” the one on the far left took a step forward with a knowing grin. His finger reaching out and lightly wiggling itself on the former Robin’s arch.

“Uurrrrrrr!!!” He spazzed feeling the shocking tickle. The rest of the masked men’s faces started to share the same look as their friend. Oh god they wouldn’t!

“Yea WingDing, what about these little feet of yours? I want to hear more about them too. Tell us. Do you think you have enough room to fit all of us on them?” Another chimed in. He slowly reached his hand out, fingers wiggling, but only just hovering over their captives pale size sixes.

“What’s wrong Nightwing? Ya look nervous. Scared. You look like your..” 

“Ticklish.” Another one finished.”Ya look reeeeal fuckin ticklish.” The last two advanced while they chatted. Also threatening the trapped soles with their teasing fingers. 

All 30 fingers wiggling about, so close to almost touching him. And the one lightly scratching away. It broke his focus. Made him feel helpless. It was all over his handsome face. Dick muttered the word no under his breath. He knew what came next and so did they.

The grunt tickling his foot smile got a little bit wider upon seeing the desperation evident on their victim. This kid was theirs. 

“He better not be. Got any idea what we would do to you bird boy.”

Dick’s toes curled. It was like he could feel all of their fingers at once if not more. Sadly though the sidekick couldn’t even begin to imagine how that would feel. Yet.The anxiety was making his feet twitch, not to mention the wandering finger making a dance partner out of his big toe. He would scoot it away just for the finger to follow and punish it for moving with the most agonizing scratches. 

Nightwing bit his lip and closed his eyes. He needed to regain himself. It lasted all of a minute before he felt another finger. Not from the same tickler mind you, this finger enjoyed tickling under his heel like you would a chin of a loved one. Something that made Dick clench.

“I bet he is. Do you even know what we can do to a guy like you? A trapped ticklish peace of crap? We’d never stop tickling. Never.” Another said in the most infuriatingly smug tone. Loving to see the side kick squirm.

Before Nightwing could even process that his left foot was met with a jab right in the center. The finger pressed into his flesh and started to vibrate about. It was the one who’s jaw he broke. He looked dead in their eyes as his filled with water.

“So ticklish and weak, your more of a Robin then a Nightwing. Come on Robin. Laugh. Cause when you do we’re gonna tickle you so bad kid. These poor feet of yours are gonna wish they belonged to anyone else but you. It’s all over as soon as you laugh. It’s gonna tickle so bad. So. Fucking. Bad.” Each word was like a twelve hundred pound weight crushing him. Dick was getting completely freaked out. They were gonna tickle him! They were going to drive him absolutely crazy!

The last one finally joined in. The one who seemed the most excited, showing his evil fingers in full view to the squirming wimp. “Come on NightShade. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh or your gonna regret it. Your gonna suffer.”

“Your gonna suffer really bad freak.”

“You gonna laugh?”

“He’s gonna laugh.”

“Is he stupid?”

“No just ticklish. Same difference though”

“He’s gonna cry.”

“Any minute now.”

As this kept on so did the fingers. They wouldn’t change tactics, just a consistent tickle. One that was quickly chipping away any little resolve the young hero had left.

All of them were smiling. Only Dick didn’t have a choice in that matter. He tried to hold back as best he could. Oh god it was so bad! THEY WONT STOP!

“....tickle tickle tiiickle.”

“N-no..” Dick jolted.

Another one followed suit. “Or what huh? Tickle tickle tickle!”

“HaAa.... uuuRRGH!” The hero’s body thrashed but would be shot back the other way do to the cord. Turning him into a yoyo.

“Here it comes.”

“He’s so done for.”

“Sing for us bird boy!”


The hero immediately regretted that along with every single decision he’s ever made in his life. After he let out one laugh the four thugs began to tickle Nightwing’s feet without mercy. All forty fingers ganged up on the two little soft soles with the sole intention of making them beg. Under his toes, the sides of his arches, the top of his heel. Scratching, pinching, poking, and so much more as they almost fought over each other to get the the delicate weak flesh.


Dick was a complete wreck in no time at all. Every single nerve on his feet was at complete attention as they were teased and taunted into a hysterical frenzy they’ve never experienced before.

“Hey! Don’t you even start complaining little bitch! We told you how bad we were going to tickle you and you didn’t listen! Now your all ours.” The inmate started to rapidly scratch his nails up and down the balls of his foot in short little ups and downs. Just to really drive home how little sympathy he really had. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle! Little Robin had ticklish little feet! Poor baby!”

“You wouldn’t want to make us liars do you Robin? I thought you’d at least last longer bird boy. Too ticklish for your own good? Haha! Aw what’s wrong? Want your mommy? Is the little hero too tickle tickle ticklish? Huh? Answer us loser! Want us too stop?” Asked the one who was holding his toes back so another pair of evil fingers could get to the flesh hidden underneath.

“Yea that’s right! Get him good! Tickle the little fucker till he cry’s! Coochie Coochie little baby birdie!”

“You can go screw yourself runt. I ain’t stopping anytime soon. I can’t kill you, but now we can finally bring you down a few pegs. These pretty little feet have given us all kinds of medical bills. Now their gonna pay. My only hope is that you laugh yourself to death.” The thug side while holding his two feet still. Forcing them to endure all of this hellish stimulation.

“This is what you get hero boy. So weak and ticklish. Your laughing harder then the clowns bitch, you know that? I bet you like it. Huh? You like getting tickled right little bird?” The criminal spider tickled all over the sides of the hypersensitive feet. They began to turn a beautiful blush of pink.


“ANSWER US!” With that all of the fingers stopped and left his feet. It took minutes until Dick was ready to talk again. He just kept sucking in air, trying to recover the best he could.

“Well?” The four of them waited for a answer. The sidekick needed them to stop, just for a second. Enough for him to catch his breath, and for that he needs to stall them.


Suddenly the suffering helpless hero felt a hand go over his mouth and a horrible buzzing stimulating his nipples. Both of them! He looked to his left and right and shockingly saw a Penguin thug on both sides of him. Both of them wearing heavy hoods, their eyes were hidden in shadow, but Dick could see their smiles. Their dominant knowing smiles. Nightwing could do nothing but laugh into the strong palm keeping his silent while the buzzing tools teased his unprepared nipples.

“The boss had us hiding in here to make sure you didn’t escape, but hell you think we’re gonna miss out on watching you suffer bird boy?” The one of the left spoke while he ran his tickle tool in circles around the sensitive nub of flesh.

“Yeaaa. Matter of fact, we want in!We’re gonna tickle the crap out of you! Awwww what’s wrong? Nipples too ticklish?” The right one laughed as he just tapped the hero’s other tit over and over again. Each one making the sweating sidekick jolt. As soon as Dick would get use to it the pattern would change.

“MMFMFMMFMFFMFMMFFMFMFMMFFMFMMFMFMFMFMFFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMMFFMFMFMMMFMFMFMFMMMFMFMFMF!!!” Nightwing screamed as he shook his head from side to side trying to get himself free. Every time he looked forward he saw the original four ticklers laughing at his situation.

“Man, I can’t believe we ever got beaten by a ticklish wimp like him!” The other one marveled as he delighted in the site of the overrated and overstimulated hero spazz and react to the hellish tickling on his chest.

“Yea, oh well. Not like it will ever happen again. All of Gotham’s underworld will hear about this. Next thing you know, if he doesn’t break out of here he’ll just get captured and tickled again by someone else. Maybe by the clown’s gang or Two-Face’s.”

“I’d kinda feel bad for him if I didn’t find it kinda hot. Fucked up right? Haha!”

“You kidding? This is great! Besides I think the dorks feet are getting lonely. Might as well get back too it!”

“Awwww look at him I think he’s had enough. I’m gonna go find some brushes.”

“No need. Couple more guys will be here soon. Ain’t no one passing up a turn to tickle the ever loving crap out of this loser.”

“Alright! Party!~” 

As if on cue a door opened and a bunch of grunts started walking in. Some with feathers, some with brushes, all of them with a knowing smile on there face. Dick’s heart sank with each and every person gang member that walked in. How on earth was he suppose to survive this????? Suddenly he heard the tickler stationed at his right nipple.

“Damn. Your screwed. I’m gonna love watching this.” He marveled as they all gather at his feet. It was like a fight was breaking out and everyone wanted the best vantage point to watch every devastating tickle.

Nightwing felt himself about to have a full blown panic attack. All this tickling. They cant! He couldn’t! It’s too much! TOO MUCH! He knew it was coming and he couldn’t stop it. He closed his eyes shut to try to hide from the site. He tried his hardest to calm down.  Until he heard the thug on his left.

“Are you scared little Robin?...You should be~ tickle tickle tickle.”


The large group erupted into a cheer and got to work. 


“Tickle tickle tickle cutie.”


“Oh yea someone’s a ticklish little boy...”





“H....hahaaha... n-no... t-too much..”

“Awwww who’s mama little tickle bird? You are... yes you are~ tickle tickle tickle.” Harley cooed to her unconscious captive. 

There she was in Dick’s room. She had tied the unmasked superhero down to his own bed in nothing but his boxers, his feet trapped at the foot board of the bed, toes tied back. 

This was great. Harley knew the Bat was a broken ticklish loser but she had no idea about his little side kick. And with her little sleeping agent mixed with her puddin’s laughing gas and a smidge of Ivy’s nectar, Dick was going to be sleeping pretty for a long while whenever she wanted. 

“Now let’s see that big stiffy your sporting! Harley will be right back with some feathers. Sleep tight bird boy!~”

Looks like Mrs. Minx will be getting to know Bruce Wayne’s little handsome ward. Maybe they could have a few laughs together.

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