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(Hey all! I really quick wanted  to show you what I’ve done with a story. It’s very short. More of a teaser or “proof of concept”. Set up! Thats the right word. Let me know what you think so far. There is still a lot i need to work on with it, but if it goes well it will be a good multi part thing. Let me know what you think. Shout out to one of my close friends thats helping me write this :))  

Justin laid on his back looking at the ceiling. There, on his old childhood bed he laid, arms broken and legs sprained. A freak car accident left him the closest he’ll ever feel to “bed bound”. Doctors said he was lucky to be alive and is expected to make a full recovery! All that’s left is for him to get better. Easy right?

  As Justin took another deep breath, he watched the clock as the minutes ticked down to 4:30. That’s when Sasha would be here to take care of him, and the real challenges of his recovery would start.  

Sasha was his step mother Clara’s best friend. A beautiful blond and an agonizing flirt, at least that’s how Justin always saw it. He was never really sure. She was a curvy woman with possibly the softest looking pale skin ever, but her demeanor was so prim and proper. Justin saw it as his ultimate paradox. Was she a sweet 34 year old woman who couldn’t help to get the men around her hard as a rock? Or was that her main goal? 

 He could recall when he first met her three years ago. He was twenty and it was at the wedding. She introduced herself and offered him a friendly dance. The song was much faster and louder then what he though a woman like that would prefer, but what the hell? Why be rude? All was well until she turned and her plush ass would “accidentally” grind against him. On instinct he tried to jolt back, but as per the Dj’s demands the crowd became one big clump. There he was,trapped as the sexy older woman kept feeling the rhythm and swaying her hips. He felt himself getting hard. NOT good, how was this going to be his first impression??????  

Justin’s hips instinctually started grinding against the bed. God he wished now more then ever he could go back to that point and just thrust back. The hell with morals, god it felt so good. But no, at the time he was too concerned about hiding his boner. His face blushed as he JUST remembered when he tried to lightly back her up so she wouldn’t notice, but wound up not looking where his hands were going. He could still remember her reaction. 

“OH! Cheeky boy...~” 

He could have sworn he saw her smile.  But she playfully smacked his face with her hair before he could really see. She didn’t seem like she was mad cause she kept dancing away, her ass bouncing on him repeatedly as off his cock was of those “hit me” inflatables until the end of the song. Justin for the first time had to excuse himself to jerk off after that ordeal.

  That was the first meeting. And now  thanks to his father’s overprotective nature he’s been forced to come home from law school and spend his 3 month recovery at home, under the watchful eye of the Sasha, a veteran nurse of 11 years. It’s now the second weekend of his recovery, so far he’s done good not to show just how wound up she makes him. It gets harder and harder the longer he’s gone, unable to please himself.  

It’s 4:30.... easy right?..



I like how this is starting and very curious on where it would go. I enjoy stories about tickling where the ticklee can't get away...and doesn't really want to


That’s what I’m going for :). No tickling in this one yet but it’s coming. Pinky promise ;)