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Question for you guys. If I made some Sin Bin merch, or just some cool stuff you guys can buy, would you be interested?

It wouldn’t really be sexual, more then just tasteful references to the subject matter around here that you could wear or display anywhere? I got a couple ideas you all might like.

Let me know. I’ll probably make a few designs and keep you all in the loop regardless.



I’d definitely be all for that. Would you consider making pins, too? I’m always a slut for pins~


Prints? Oh for sure! For those though I would want to make them more along the lines of my normal works (pin ups of feet or just sexy poses) if you know sites that are ok with me me selling stuff like that I’d be TOTALLY down for. Hell it will give me an excuse to draw A LOT more pin up. Maybe even bring the Kid character back for more of a modeling thing


While that answers a question I didn’t know I needed to ask, I was referring to pins, those little button-like things you put on hats, bags, clothes, etc. And Etsy, IIRC, would be totally fine with that so long as you flag the stuff as NSFW. I mean, people make and sell bondage gear on there, so they likely wouldn’t object to sexy pinups as long as you flag them as such~


I’d have to see. The thing with Etsy is that from what I’m aware of I would need to make al the materials myself, and while I’d love that I don’t really know how to make pins, shirts, or otherwise. I can only ever make the design. It’s my bad for having no other talents XD


Ah, then Redbubble sounds more up your alley. Same rules; just gotta mark the stuff as mature, but they take care of the rest; travel mugs, shirts, stickers, etc.~ <a href="https://help.redbubble.com/hc/en-us/articles/202270929-Community-and-Content-Guidelines" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://help.redbubble.com/hc/en-us/articles/202270929-Community-and-Content-Guidelines</a>#mature


I could use a few more stickers for my labtop and when I finally get a cam for streams I can display a mug or something in the background haha. You know I’m a slut for merch ❤️


Also a slut for pins like your friend above. Lol