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Idk for some reason I thought about a different scenario while working on the first concept. 

What if Scott was out with a dinner date that night with a very dominant girl he hopes to get lucky. Like super dominant. Not allowing poor Scott to have an orgasm the week before the first date, dominant.

When they get there Scott is shocked to find his med school roommates working the restaurant that same night. CRAP! Scott thought for sure they were off tonight! Why did she want to go here of all places??

It was too late. They saw him. And they smiled.

Scott went threw the rest of the date trying his hardest to keep a straight face. His friends seated him against a wall right in front of a secret compartment where the employees hide their respective drugs. It opened on both sides so all three were able to have full access to Scott's poor feet all night. They tickled and teased, taking turns on keeping his feet in place while the other two stimulated the fleshy pads. They made sure to listening on every convo, picking their spots perfectly for maximum humiliation.

It's not long though before their find out by the only girl working there that might, Alice. She bursted out into giggles seeing the situation they were putting poor Scoot through.

"You guys want to make it worse?" She mused?

The three ticklers were all ears and eyes as Alice strutted out the door. Moments later, there the compartment they where able to see her crawling under the table. She was some how able to sneak under without any detection.

Scott was relieved to feel the tickling sensations leave his body for a bit. Finally maybe he would be able to finally salvage this da- HAY! He jolted when he felt a light brushing of his thigh and the  unzipping of his pants. Scott snuck a glance under the table without his date noticing, only to see the culprit being the cute Asian waitress. She winked and put a finger to her lips.

"Shhhhh. Quite cutie..~" With that she started to tease his cock with her mouth. Scott's week denied cock instantly responding.

If focusing was hard before it was a bitch now. He could barely hear himself think now. The waitress used her tongue is a shocking number of ways, but the worst far most was when she used it to tickle. It flicked and flapped over the pathetically sensitive privates. All while edging him closer to a much needed release. 

The tickling started up again with no warning. Adding insult to injury it was the waitress holding his feet still so the three guys could tickle him freely. Scott tried his hardest to look normal, but he couldn't help but fidget and squirm while the fingers and naughty tongue made quick work of the submissive young man. If this kept up, he was in danger of exploding right there before the main course was served. He was getting closer, and closer, and closer...

Suddenly his date tore her eyes from her phone and glanced at him. Her look powerful and flirtatious as she asked him. 

"You didn't cum this week did you? Otherwise you're completely useless to me tonight..." She winked.

"Y-yes.." Scott weakly answered. The thought of being any use to her was enough to send him over the edge, At least it would if he was still getting a blowjob. 

Alice was giggling under the table at the poor young man's situation. A whole week without coming??? She shared a glance with her friends on the other side of the wall. They all smiled.

"Poor baby...."

Alice thought of another plan. Something even more fun then this. Without being seen by Scott's date, she crawled from under the table. Waving goodbye to the desperately throbbing boy as her tired to regain his composer. Two more courses and he was home free.


The rest of the dinner goes smoothly. That is until the check. The price was much higher then expected, and one of his roommates was doing his thing of not backing off the girls he seeing. While he was waiting for them to be done talking he went to go pay the check form the same girl who only an hour or two ago controlled his entire fucking life with her mouth. 

Her smugness over him was evident from every sentence, she made sure to use the words "hard" or "excited" as much as possible to get more reactions. Finally he payed and his date was still in what appeared to be a LONG conversation. While he waited his other roommate asked for him to "be of use" and help him move stuff in the back.

Thats when they struck.

The good news for Scott was he was sure as hell going to get to cum that night. Several times for that matter, all of them intense. It was just more before of a feather then his lovely date. Who happily went home with is roommate's number.

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Miguel Salizar

Hired muscle to pin down the male lee while a female ler has her way with him? Why didn't I think of this? Definitely gonna have to come back to this concept some time.