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When Markus met those two girls at the mall, he thought he hit the jackpot. They were sexy, interesting, sexy, adventurous.... and had it already been said that they were quite attractive? They were!

So much so that when they dangled the opportunity of treating him to a tag team blowjob of a lifetime, he jumped on that like a spring on meth. All he had to do was complete a little dare. They would give him the keys to their car and all he had to do was speed down the highway and back!

“Pffff, you’re on! How bad could it be??” Markus gloated.

“Not so fast cutie pie, there’s one more bit of fun to the game. You have to wear this!”

Just then one of the girls, Audrey, reached into her shopping bag to pull out a dress that was freshly bought that day.

The arrogant boy’s stomach dropped “.... that bad huh?”


Markus’ lungs were on fire as the cops continued to tickle him with reckless abandon.

“Where are the rest of the goods sissy boy!?”

“Yea, better speak up before we have to get even more nasty. Trust us, it’s harder to talk the more we make you squeal!”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I KNOW NOTHINHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAH I KNOW NOOOAHAHAHAHTHING!!!!!!!!!!” Markus thrashed against the handcuffs that bound him to the desk. He didn’t even know how things got to this point. 

So much for a quick bet! They said all he had to do was speed down the highway in drag but the poor young man didn’t get too far before he was stopped by the police. It couldn’t have happened at a better time. His cheeks burned bright red as the officers questioned him in the car. They asked him if he knew what car this was, anything about the stuff in the trunk. It wasn’t long until there were too many questions mounting up, so much that they just HAD to bring the sissy back to see what he knew...and they had just the way to make him talk!~

“‘Nothing’, you say? Sounds like a job for our third partner. Jackson, get the brush!”

“I thought you’d never ask. Should have talked when you had the chance ‘pretty girl’ haha!”

In Markus’s rush for pleasure, he didn’t take a moment to recognize the two lovely ladies. They were criminals, hitting places left and right, and the cops had been after them for days.  What better scape goat then a desperate ticklish boy?~

Jackson quickly pulled Markus’ dress down and traced the agonizing brush over the not all impressive sized cock. At that point, if the poor young man did know something, he would have spewed it all right there. Sadly, he didn’t know where the girls went off too, so in turn he had nothing to offer the police to end their horrible interrogation.

“If he’s not going to talk then we are going to need more men. Wait until they get a look at this haha!”

“Let’s gag him ‘til they get here. If all he’s going to do is laugh like a girl, then I’m not interested in what he has to say!”

“Haha! You’re evil!”

“Shows what you know! Look at that little cock of hers. She LOVES it. Now give me that foot!” And just like that, the cop went to work on playing Markus’s feet like a guitar!!

It took a full day for things to get sorted out but until then he was theirs. One thing was for sure though, Markus would hopefully he got to keep the dress... 




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