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Fiz is taking none of Blitz's bullshit.

Tell him queen!




Even I felt every stab, way to go Fizz!!! I loved the part of he being told that no one laughs about his jokes other than Stolas. If this does not wake him up, he’s not just dense but he’s way out of salvation. Please tell me Fizz beats him a bit more, just a tiny bit more. 🤣


he is good pointing out people's flaaaws.. expect his own. *sigh* -_- I do believe as your comic that in the actual show Fizz would have been the only one who could get it through his big thick skull.

Kristin Chen

*chuckles* WAY TO GO FIZZYYYY <3333 You tell him!!! poor Blitzy


"He laughs at your jokes, Blitz. Who does that?!" Hahahahahha