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And this is a wrap!

 I really hope you enjoyed the comic. I can say without a doubt, this is one of the stories I have enjoyed most doing by far. Now, we only have to wait and see what happens for real in the series.

I am seriously thinking about making a compilation at some points with all the comics I do and print them into a fanzine, so if you have something you would like me to draw a comic about that involves these two dorks, by all means send ideas my way ^^.

And as always, thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me ^^.




Y vivieron felices y comieron perdices. Listo, este cómic es canon para mí ❤️ Porque sé que la serie nos va dejar chillando


This has become my favorite. I cried with it 😭, thank you for such an amazing story. Can't wait for more.