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Remember I told you as a joke that this drawing could perfectly well be the cover for a smut novel? Well, it's becoming a reallity. Not the novel part, but as you may have heard, I decided to create a compilation of all my illustrated fanfics in a fanzine in order to make printed copies. Hurray! You have the digital version of the mentioned fanzine attatched at the end of this post so you can have an idea how the printed version will turn out.

WARNING: +18 stories and pictures included  


I've decided to send this fanzine as part of the second bundle for the Merchan Club for Etherian Force members. As it is something big and quite pricey, the fanzine will count as  2 merchan bundles (this means I won't send you a bundle on February, the next one will be on July, I hope you understand). But I also want to offer the rest of members that belong to the other tiers some advantages so you can get it as well. Here these are the conditions to get the fanzine for the different tiers:

- ETHERIAN FORCE MEMBERS: Free fanzine and free shipping (it will be ordinary mail, though, I won't be able to replace it if it gets lost. If you want a tracking mail with insurance you'll have to pay the difference).

- TEAM CAPTAIN MEMBERS: free fanzine, you'll only pay the shipping (you can choose if you want ordinary or certified mail, the price is different)

- CHEER SQUAD MEMBERS: 50% off the price of the fanzine + shipping (Fanzine is 11 euros (you'd have to pay 6.5 euros plus shipping), you can choose if you want ordinary or certified mail, the price is different)

On a side note, I encourage you to ask for your copy if you really want it. If I reach 51 units at least in the order the print company will include the bookmarks I have attatched as a present, one per fanzine. This is a one shot chance to get it, as I won't order again in the future and I'll be working with preorders only, so I won't have many units to spare (I'll keep some just in case I have to replace any).


Send me a DM if you are interested in getting your copy (regardless of your tier, I need your adress and full name in order to send the parcel, duh XD). I'll take note of your data and tell you how to do the payment in case you have to do it. Take into account that in order to receive this with the conditions mentioned above you'll have to be an active member of my Patreon when I do the shipping, which will be on November.

Sadly, the book will only be available in English, economically speaking it  is impossible for me to do version in Spanish and English unless there were a lot of people interested.

And this is all, at least for now. I'll keep you posted.

I hope you like this project, I am incredibly excited about it. It's not the same reading and seeing the illustrations and stories online than holding them in my hands, so I really hope you ask for your copy. The more copies I order, the less the cost of producing them will be and I'll be able to include some extras with it ^^.




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