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Hello guys,

I've taken a couple of weeks to think about how to manage everything.

First of all thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to me that my work is so meaningful for you all, really. So that is why I have decided to just leave things as they were before. The only rework I've made is the names and icons of the levels (I think it was about time, tbh XD).

I hope you like them!

So, taking this into accoint, I will activate the billing so everything goes to normal from next month on.

I am sorry for subjecting you all for this small crisis, but I thought it was important to inform you, as I didn't know what was going to happen. I pondered about reducing the frequency of the merchan bundle to every 6 months instead of 4, but I thjnk it's going to be the same as always for now,. If I see that I get overwhelmed I will reduce the shipping to every 6 monts and reduce the price of the level, of course.

Again, thank you so much for your love ^^




I'm glad to hear things have settled down a little bit (or at least became more manageable)! Don't hesitate to keep adjusting things as you go to make sure it's doesn't become a problem. We're all here to support you!