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Okay guys!! New project is here!! I present you all "Promise", another amazing collaboration I am doing with @Helluvanin666. But this time it is going to be amore ambitious project. You can expect it to last some months ^^.

We'll make sure to keep you fed!

Hope you like it!

Holding each other’s hands, the two young boys frolicked happily through the grass as they made their way back to the palace. They’d been outside for quite a while now, having hung out by the property’s largest tree. Stolas laughed with joy and Blitzo did the same, his eyes full of mirth and excitement.

It had been the best birthday Stolas ever had. He actually made a new friend and it was the incredible clown boy from the circus he’d seen that day! To say it was a dream come true would have been an understatement. Ever since he’d seen Blitzo doing his best to perform and top it with a funny joke, Stolas had been so drawn to him like he’d never felt in his life. The resilience, the passion, and determination within Blitzo were magnifying and fascinating. 

But actually getting to know him and spending time with him, well, Stolas just liked him even more. He did have a tendency to blush every time Blitzo came close to him physically, which was a little weird. It also filled his stomach with butterflies and Stolas wasn’t used to that sort of feeling. But he liked all of it and was curious to know more.

Now as he ran, his hand held safely in Blitzo’s, he couldn’t have felt happier.

Well, slightly, since he knew Blitzo would have to leave soon.

When they finally made it back, Alfred was waiting by the back door, looking at the two of them with a calm, neutral stare.

“Young prince, the boy’s father has arrived,” Alfred stated.

“Oh… alright,” Stolas said as he saw Blitzo grimace a little. “We’ll be right there.”

Alfred nodded and went back inside. Stolas turned to Blitzo, who was staring at the ground with a troubled expression.

“Blitzo,” Stolas said softly, getting his friend’s attention, “thank you so much for spending time with me. It was the best birthday ever!”

Blitzo smiled crookedly and looked bashful. “Aw, come on, it was nothing.”

“Not nothing! I enjoyed playing with you so much!” Stolas gushed, his cheeks bright red. “I’d love to see you again.”

“You would?” Blitzo looked at him with shock. “Really?”

“Of course!” Stolas nodded and smiled even more, bouncing on the spot. “You’re my first ever friend! You can come back to visit me anytime! Um, I’d love to go visit you, but doesn’t the circus travel around?”

“Yeah, it does…” Blitzo winced, but he smiled and waved it off. “But I’ll come visit again if you really want me to.”

There were no words to describe the joy running through Stolas right then. He was going to see Blitzo again! His first ever friend! Stolas hooted happily and clapped his hands, unable to contain his excitement. Blitzo looked surprised, but blushed bashfully as he looked down at the ground shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Thank you, Blitzo!” Stolas cooed, walking closer to him. “I’d love to keep being friends with you!”

This made Blitzo smile and meet his gaze, which Stolas felt his heart flutter at. “You promise?”

“Of course I promise!” Stolas nodded.

Blitzo chuckled and then held out his pinkie finger. “Well, we’re gonna have to pinkie promise to make it official!”

“Pinkie promise?” Stolas tilted his head curiously. “What’s that?”

“It’s… well, it’s not an imp thing, it’s a thing we all do to seal promises!” Blitzo explained. “So if we’re gonna make a promise, we gotta make it a pinkie promise!”

“Oh, okay!” Stolas said, holding out his pinkie finger too. “...How do we do that?”

“Simple, we hook pinkies like this!” Blitzo said as he curled his pinkie around Stolas’ pinkie. “See? Now we pinkie promised!”

Stolas gazed in amazement, thrilled by this newfound information. “Oh, wow! My first pinkie promise!”

“We’ll be friends forever!” Blitzo grinned.

“Forever and ever!” Stolas agreed, beaming back at him.

They held this for quite a while, both boys beaming, and thrilled to be sparking this newfound connection between them.


Stolas kept pacing his room, wringing his hands repeatedly and trying to calm himself down, but to no avail. Alfred had just told him minutes ago that his father, Paimon, would be arriving soon and wanted to speak with him.

More than likely, it was going to be about the upcoming wedding. Stolas was now eighteen, and although the date hadn’t yet been set, the wedding was happening very soon. Probably within the next couple of months, if he was lucky. He was thankful that it took several weeks to plan and set up a royal wedding.

His heart continued to sink as he paced. Not only was he marrying a woman, but marrying Stella. They had been engaged since his eleventh birthday. He’d met with her numerous times alongside her older brother, Andrealphus. 

They were both horrid. Stella was an angry, violent, spoiled brat and continuously yelled at him over the smallest things. She even slapped him more than once. Andrealphus was no better. In fact, he was a cunning, sharp sort of man who got enjoyment out of bullying Stolas.

Being married to Stella and having Andrealphus as a brother-in-law was going to be a nightmare.

The last thing Stolas wanted to be talking about was the damn wedding. He wanted to be hanging out with his real friends. Blitz, Fizz and Barbie. Especially Blitz.

A tapping sound on the window broke him out of his thoughts. To his delight, Blitz was at his balcony doors, waving at him and grinning widely.

Relief and joy flooded through Stolas as he laid eyes on his best friend, his longtime crush. He scurried over and opened the balcony door to let his friend inside.

“Heeeeyy Stolas!~” Blitz greeted, grinning at him. “Notice anything different?”

Stolas was about to respond that he didn’t, but he paused. Then it hit him and he smiled as well.

“You no longer have braces!” Stolas exclaimed.

“Yep! Thanks to you, I was able to get ‘em off sooner than I thought!” Blitz said with a wink. “Barbie gets hers off next week!”

“That’s wonderful!” Stolas closed the door and turned to face his friend. “Oh Blitz, I’m so glad you’re here, but I’m afraid that my father is due to arrive sometime very soon.”

Blitz scoffed. “So what? I’ll just keep you company till he gets here!”

Stolas smiled in gratitude and went to sit on his couch, gesturing for Blitz to follow him.

“Any idea what your big tall scary old man wants?” Blitz asked as he sat next to him on the couch.

“No, but I suspect it will be about my wedding to Stella,” Stolas sighed. “It will probably be about making the official announcement and setting the date.”

Grimacing, Blitz placed a hand on Stolas’ shoulder. “That’s rough, buddy.”

Hearing about the wedding always made Blitz sick to his stomach. Stolas was stuck in an arranged marriage and it wasn’t fair. Not just because Stolas was gay, but because it robbed him of having the choice to marry who he wanted.

Even more messed up was the fact Stolas learned about it as a child. At eleven years old. An age where you weren’t thinking about marriage and children! It broke Blitz’s heart every which way. Especially since Stella was a bitch and used Stolas as her punching bag.

Blitz loathed that woman and wanted to knock her lights out. Her and her smarmy, arrogant brother.

Stolas looked at him with a wane smile and hugged himself. “And to think I have to kiss that wretched woman. She wouldn’t even want it regardless! Oh, the tragedy of my first kiss going to a woman!”

While Stolas was being dramatic, Blitz knew him well enough to see how this genuinely upset him. Of course it did. Not only was Stolas forced to kiss a woman, but kiss a woman he hated and who hated him right back.

Blitz pouted and patted his friend’s back gently. Then he put on a grin and chuckled, “Oh come on, it’ll only be for like half a second! Then you’ll never have to kiss her again!”

“A half a second too long!” Stolas pouted, crossing his arms. “I don’t want to kiss a girl!

“Girls don’t have cooties, it’s a myth, you dork!” Blitz chortled.

“I’m well aware of that, thank you!” Stolas stuck his tongue out at him petulantly. “If I could have you do it in my stead, I would!”

“Ew, I don’t want to kiss her either!”

“Better you than me, if you ask me,” Stolas said indifferently.

Blitz contained a snort amused by his attitude.

“Gee, what a coldhearted bastard. Have mercy on me, her stupidity could be contagious,” the imp said. Blitz snorted and slapped his knee. And he wished Stolas would put that enticing tongue away, it was giving him ideas. “I’d rather eat raw roadkill with hot sauce!”

“Even that would be more appetizing than kissing Stella!” Stolas grimaced and gagged.

“Well You wouldn't have to use me as a sacrificial lamb if you had listened to me when I told you to come with me to a few parties. This happened because you’re a coddled little bitch, always huddled up in your library with your books and your creepy plants. You should’ve just gone out and made up with a couple of hunks, and problem solved!” Blitz teased.

Stolas didn’t answer immediately, so Blitz looked at him surprised just to see the owl flinch away. The young prince crossed his arms over his chest, as if trying to protect himself from something,  shoulders sagged. Blitz saw him swallow hard before answering. He was clearly trying to hold it together.

“Ye..yeah, you’re right. I should’ve tried to enjoy life more before it was too late..hehe” Stolas said with a watery smile.

Blitz noticed the slight waver in his voice, the shiver that ran through his elegant frame when he broke visual contact, and it tore Blitz apart.

“Stolas I...I didn’t know it meant so much for you. Sorry, I didn’t want to upset you...”

The owl sighed

“Of course it bothers me Blitz. All my life has been planned without me. How I shall behave, where I live, whom I am going to share my future with...even my fucking first kiss!” he exploded. “I just....” Stolas looked at Blitz trying to find the words “ I just thought maybe this was something I could choose for myself, just this small thing....but it seems it will be taken away from me as well”. He sighed and smiled sadly. “Don’t mind me, I know I am being silly”.
