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Yeah, okay, so...I drew 16 comic pages of these two dorks flirting and making out when they were young.

This is the fanfic I mentioned will be based on the eloping illustration. The premise is at follows: Blitz and Stolas kept in touch after their day together as children. But even though they feel more than friendship towards each other, Stolas' impending arraged marriage is looming over them.

In this scene Stolas is anxious about Paimon coming to talk about the wedding and complaining about losing his first kiss to Stella, aaaand Blitz offers himself to help him out .

This is just the beggining, so stay tuned for more ^^.

Here you have a sneak peek!

UPDATE: you might have though I had finished but I added 5 extra pages XD

Stolas looked at him with a wane smile and hugged himself. “And to think I have to kiss that wretched woman. She wouldn’t even want it regardless! Oh, the tragedy of my first kiss going to a woman!”

While Stolas was being dramatic, Blitzo knew him well enough to see how this genuinely upset him. Of course it did. Not only was Stolas forced to kiss a woman, but kiss a woman he hated and who hated him right back.

Blitzo pouted and patted his friend’s back gently. Then he put on a grin and chuckled, “Oh come on, it’ll only be for like half a second! Then you’ll never have to kiss her again!”

“A half a second too long!” Stolas pouted, crossing his arms. “I don’t want to kiss a girl!”

“Girls don’t have cooties, it’s a myth, you dork!” Blitz chortled.

“I’m well aware of that, thank you!” Stolas stuck his tongue out at him petulantly. “If I could have you do it in my stead, I would!”

“Ew, I don’t want to kiss her either!” 

“Better you than me, if you ask” Stolas said indifferently.

Blitz contained a snort amused by his attitude.

“Gee, what a coldhearted bastard. Have mercy on me, her stupidity could be contagious” the imp said.

Blitzo snorted and slapped his knee. And he wished Stolas would put that enticing tongue away, it was giving him ideas. “I’d rather eat raw roadkill with hot sauce!”

“Even that would be more appetizing than kissing Stella!” Stolas grimaced and gagged.

“Well You wouldn't have to use me as a sacrificial lamb if you had listened to me when I told you to come with me to a few parties. This happened because you’re a coddled little bitch, always huddled up in your library with your books and your creepy plants. You should’ve just gone out and made up with a couple of hunks, and problem solved!” Blitz teased.

Stolas didn’t answer immediately, so Blitz looked at him surprised just to see the owl flinch away. The young prince crossed his arms over his chest, as if trying to protect himself from something,  shoulders sagged. Blitz saw him swallow hard before answering. He was clearly trying to hold it together.

“Ye..yeah, you’re right. I should’ve tried to enjoy life more before it was too late..hehe” Stolas said with a watery smile.

Blitz noticed the slight waver in his voice, the shiver that ran through his elegant frame when he broke visual contact, and it tore Blitz apart.

“Stolas I...I didn’t know it meant so much for you. Sorry, I didn’t want to upset you...”

The owl sighed

“Of course it bothers me Blitz. All my life has been planned without me. How I shall behave, where I live, whom I am going to share my future with...even my fucking first kiss!” he exploded. “I just....” Stolas looked at Blitz trying to find the words “ I just thought maybe this was something I could choose for myself, just this small thing....but it seems it will be taken away from me as well”. He sighed and smiled sadly. “Don’t mind me, I know I am being silly”.

"Hey hey, everything is going to be okay, Stols-” He led the owls face towards him. Stolas didn't offer resistance, He just let himself be guided until his softcheek was resting against the imp's leather jacket. He inhaled deeply. Blitz smelled of oaky cologne it was a scent as familiar as his own. Stolas smiled softly before closing his eyes and burrowing closer to his friend's neck. The steady pulse of the imp against his forehead helped even his own heartbeat.

Blitz looked at him without having an idea of what to say. He felt useless. The only thing he was capable of was trying to lighten the mood so that Stolas didn’t think too much into the shit he was into.Just like the clown he was. But at the end of the day that changed nothing:  reality had decided to make an appearance and take away any semblance of the illusion they could have that things wouldn’t change that much after Stolas wedding. Shit, he was an idiot.

But suddenly all he could feel was rage. He gritted his teeth.

“I swear, If I could, I’d do anything to avoid you getting into that marriage. Hell, I’d fucking kiss you myself just so that your first time wouildn’t have to be with that stupid bitch!” he blurted out all of a sudden.




I cannot stop smiling.🤭 The connection between them already 😍❤️ what a passion! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥