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First illustration of transformation to mermaid... nwn

At first I thought of using the previously shown mermaid versions of the chosen characters, but I decided to go for something else... make a version of what these characters would be like if you had originally been mermaids; Having said that, we start with Alis, who, if she had been born as a daughter of the sea, would be a jellyfish-type mermaid... >w<


Primera ilustracion de Sirenificacion... nwn

Al principio pensaba en usar las versiones sirena previamente mostradas de los personajes elegidos, pero decidi optar por algo mas... hacer una version de como serian estos personajes si hubieses sido originalmente sirenas; dicho eso iniciamos con Alis, que de haber nacido como hija del mar, seria una sirena tipo medusa... >w<



Matt R

Pretty nice work