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Poor Dash-pillow. Must be very annoyed that it's not Shy that hugs her. 😆 Actually I bet he stole it from Fluttershy bedroom! 😽❣️


found a new fan of your dakimakura ;) XD XD XD XD

Matt R

I envy the person who's with Shy

Grey 'Greycat' Silvermane

I can't shake off the image of Fluttershy having to listen trough the wall to Zephys literally do Pillow Talk to an actual Pillow X3>


XDDDDD... it's possible that even shy is the one who makes them, I think zephyr must have gone to ask her for one... xp


maybe that was what gave him away, and made his sister go and scold him... xD


Oh my word of Celestia... ^M^ Is that a... Tee-hehehe-ah!! Oh my gosh Zap, you needed help mate cuz Your sister is going to Execute order 66 on Your P.A.C. XD Plus this is awesome mate keep up the amazing work and the Excellent job. ^m^