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Greetings my dear patreons ..... nwn

We are in a new cycle, and it's time to vote for the content of the month... I know that the previous ones have not yet been 100% completed, but believe me, I'm working on it, slowly but surely... TTwTT b

to start we go with the voting, starting with the sketches.... for this month we will repeat the options including mlp sketches, and sketches of my manga Ningyo-chan.....


For mlp we will go with the theme of "the milf" (something that some in DA have been recommending to me.... and what better than with the mothers of the mane 6:

-Twilight Velvet

-Mrs. Shy

-Windy Whistles

-Mom Pie

-Pear Butter

-Cookie Crumbles

This month there would be 3 sketches, so the three with the most votes will be the winners.


For ningyo-chan the theme will be "Humans in sirens", that is, they will be siren versions of human characters.... the options would be:






The three with the most votes will be the winners of their sketch.... >wO b

Now, this month I decided that both themes would be published in my DA too, and for the exclusive DA sketches I thought of making them uncensored versions of them.....unfortunately as in the case of mermaid drawings I'm not used to it use censorship, this option will remain only for MLP sketches... so the three most voted MLP sketches will have their exclusive uncensored version for patreon... >wO b


Due to the fact that I still haven't finished with the illustrations of previous brothers, I thought of giving it space by changing the theme a bit, and taking advantage of the fact that this dynamic enters the month of love, I thought of taking the opportunity to make the illustrations with the theme of couples, but First, I would like you to vote for the group you want to see couple scenes with... the options would be:



-Secondary characters

Vote for your theme, and once it is defined by a majority of votes, I will propose options for that theme.... you can also attach any idea or recommendation of the theme you vote for, so that it can be taken into account... nwn b


I have already sent a preview of the benefit illustrations from the previous two months, I hope to have them finished and be delivering them in the following week... that being said, you can start sending me your ideas for the new benefit illustration, which will again be two characters per maintain the bimonthly status.....(this can be by note or in the comments here).... Likewise, I ask you to confirm again when you send your requests if you wish that, once your illustrations are finished , this is shared in my DA, this to know when I am going to deliver it if I can or not share it at your wish.

for now this would be all, I greatly appreciate those who maintain their support for my work, because thanks to this I have been able to gain a little more stability to dedicate myself more to publishing things (this last month was a good example of it)... At this moment I work so that my available time is greater and I can bring more content for all of you who support me and for my followers in DA.... >wO

Constricting hugs for everyone... >w<


Saludos mis estimados patreons..... nwn

Estamos en un nuevo ciclo, y toca votaciones para el contenido del mes..... se que aun no se ha cmpletado el de los anteriores al 100%, pero creanme, trabajo en ello, lento pero seguro... TTwTT b

para comenzar vamos con las votaciones, iniciando con la de los sketches.... para este mes repetiremos las opciones incluyendo sketches de mlp, y sketches de mi manga Ningyo-chan.....


Para mlp iremos con la tematica de "las milf" (algo que me han estado recomendando algunos en DA.... y que mejor que con las madres de las mane 6: 

-Twilight Velvet 

-Mrs. Shy

-Windy Whistles

-Mom Pie

-Pear Butter

-Cookie Crumbles

Este mes serian 3 sketches, asi que las tres con mas votos seran las ganadoras.


Para ningyo-chan la tematica sera "Humanas en sirenas", es decir, seran versiones en sirenas de personajes humanos.... las opciones serian:






Las tres con mas votos seran las ganadoras de su sketch.... >wO b

Ahora bien, este mes decidi que serian ambas tematicas se publicarian en mi DA tambien, y para los sketches exclusivos de DA pense en hacer que sean versiones sin censura de ellos..... desafortunadamente como en el caso de dibujos de sirenas no acostumbro usar censura, esta opcion quedara solo para los sketches de MLP... asi que las tres mas votadas de los sketches de MLP tendran su version sin censura exclusiva para patreon... >wO b


Devido a que aun no termino con las ilustraciones de hermanos anteriores, pense en darle espacio cambiando un poco la tematica, y aprovechando que esta dinemica entra en el mes del amor, pense en aprovechar para hacer las ilustraciones con el tema de las parejas, pero antes me gustaria que votaran por el grupo del que quieran ver escenas de pareja.... las opciones serian:



-Personajes Secundarios

Voten por su tematica, y una vez se defina por una mayoria de votos, propondre opciones para esa tematica.... tambien pueden adjuntar alguna idea o recomendacion de la tematica que voten, para asi tenerla en cuenta... nwn b


Ya he enviado un avance de las ilustraciones de beneficio del bimenstre anterior, mismas espero tener terminadas y estarlas entregando en la siguiente semana... dicho eso pueden comenzar a enviarme sus ideas para la nueva ilustracion de beneficio, que nuevamente sera de dos personajes por mantenerse en el estatus de bimestral.....(esto puede ser por nota o en los comentarios de aqui).... asi mismo les pido que al enviar sus peticiones me confirmen nuevamente si desean que, una vez este terminada su ilustraciones, esta sea compartida en mi DA, esto para saber cuando la vaya a entregar si puedo o no compartirla bajo su deseo.

por ahora esto seria todo, agradezco enormemente a quienes mantienen su apoyo a mi trabajo, ya que gracias a esto he podido ganar un poco mas de estabilidad para dedicarme mas a publicar cosas (este ultimo mes fue una buena muetra de ello).... en este momento trabajo para que mi tiempo disponible sea mayor y pueda traer mas contenido para todos ustedes que me apoyan y para mis seguidores en DA.... >wO

Abrazos constrictores para todos... >w<



For the milf, gotta go Twilight Velvet. For Ningyo-chan, lets go Sue. and for couples, the Young 6

Matt R

Twilight Velvet, Minn, and Mane 6?


For couples (because the milfs don't interest me, and I know nothing about the humans) I'm going with the young 6


Twilight velvet, minn and the young 6


I vote for Windy for the milf and young 6 for the couples


Mom pie milf and young 6 couples


MLP votes: Windy and Cookie Crumbles. Young 6 for couples.


Of the Mane 6 Moms, Twilight Velvet for sure. but i think Stellar Flare will always be the best milf.


Young 6 for couples. I never get enough of your drawings of them :-)


With Ningyo-chan, Surprise me.

Crimson Blaze

Young Six, we need more chipper Silverstream :D


Mrs. Shy Nann and mane6 seem like good choices

Infinite Warlock

Okay then, my choices in this order then: Twilight Velvet Salty Young 6


My choices will be: Twilight Velvet, Sue, and Young 6


For the milfs, I choose Windy, then salty, then the young 6.