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100% book maniac to the end XD XD XD XD nice plot twist, I admit that at the beginning it seemed a bit strange to me the sudden interest of Twilight in the "social life of Spike" of the previous artworks ;) PS if twilight goes that far just to get some rare books who knows what he would be able to do if he were faced with something, or someone capable of ... contradicting everything that twilight has studied in the books, a sort of key to new horizons of knowledge ;) XD XD XD XD XD XD


XDDDDD ... yes, I think everyone is surprised that twi behaved like this because of spike ... but we have to accept it, he has always gone to the extreme for things he likes, ignoring everything else, so spike would not be the exception ... xp XDDDD ..... I think that if there was a way for her to discover something that nobody else, or to unravel a mystery that nobody else could, it is certain that she would do bigger crazy things ... we saw it in the series when she took out the pillars of limbo, or when he insisted on writing his books on dragon culture (which I bet he scrutinizes things and aspects of them that he did not say in public ... X // P).


Oh dear gosh!! Ummm...?! I ummmm?!... ~m~ Oh boy. XD