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This was a drawing that I had thought for Easter, but due to lack of time I could not finish ..... U-U 

In these weeks progressing little I managed to finish it, although I had to change some things a bit (like putting cupcakes instead of chocolate eggs) ... but it's better late than never, right? ... xp


Este era un dibujo que había pensado para pascua, pero por falta de tiempo no pude terminar ..... U-U 

En estas semanas avanzando de poco logré terminarlo, aunque tuve que cambiar un poco algunas cosas (como poner cupcakes en lugar de huevos de chocolate) ... pero más vale tarde que nunca, ¿no? ... xp




it seems that rarity has not yet corrected the measurements of the occellus coslays or perhaps she is subtly trying to push occellus to use her shapeshifting abilities to "improve" certain "attributes" of her ;)? XD XD XD XD XD XD XD