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Hi all!

An update on this game is ready! But not completely.

Because I didn't have much time.

But the battle itself and the scene of the encounter with this character, everything is ready.

I hope that critical errors in the update will not be.

You can get to the new character as the old way through all the bosses, and the shortest way through the time stone at the beginning of the game (which opens all the bosses).

That's all! Next update will be in the autumn!

Bug Fix(fix dark screen after meeting event Saiza): files Map017.rvdata copy in folder Data with replace. Main files game also fixed.




So... every crystal says something is missing and closes the game. Do I need to add something from previous games maybe?


There is a problem that the screen goes dark after the encounter movie with saiza.


Same happened to me actually. No sure how to fix


No need. All files there in game. Just they in folder inside folder. Sample, battleback1 - folder.


After the meeting event with Saiza, the screen itself becomes completely dark. It is impossible to proceed without modification.


And when we proceed normally from the 1st stage, we can't find the 1st stage graphic file, so there is a tingling phenomenon.


I figured out how to fix this. Simply copy and paste all the pics out of the folder in the picture folder and put them all where the new saize pics are. fixes all previous boss encounters.


Im so excited