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Hello, everyone!

It's the 4th again, which is no surprise. And it's the 4th of June, which means the beginning of summer.

I will say that month of May was a bit difficult for me, because I had to hurry to finish the work on updates of the main projects. The only thing I managed to finish was the GD2 update. And that's too bad, because even for that I had to use some of my days rest However, due to slow rendering, the SS2 update is still not ready. There's only one more attack render left to finish, that's still a long way off. When it's ready, I'll let you know.

As for the other projects, there is a little progress.

Sim GD v0.1.8

Location City
Map: 100%

Event in city

Npc: 1/3

Npc with name: 0/2

All Sizes v0.1.6

Location White Room

Scene with Saiza: 100%

Battle vs Saiza: Attack 4/5

Location Forest in small world

Enemy 0/5

Location Mine in small world

Enemy 0/5

Because most of the time was spent on major projects, there wasn't much progress on these projects. I just hope I can finish and do an update by summer, or do it sooner. Since I'm tired of waiting too.

As for main projects, I've decided to split up their development like I did with SS2. Because in SS2 the battle with Karin and Nirin turned out to be a long one. The future battle against Niko and Riko will also be long. And it really slows down the development of the game, because the development of such battles is very long. And since I don't see a way to speed it up yet, there will be a separation. So that one update will deal with this long battle, the other one will deal with the game itself. For example, now the battle against one Karin will come out, the next time some kind of event or a new enemy in the school will come out. 

It will be the same with the GD2 project. Now a new attack has come out, next update there will be another additional event. For example, the battle with Chiguha. The little girl that has her event.

This will allow the rest of the project to develop as well. Of course, this will also slow down the development of large-scale battles. But most likely when the game is developed to a good level and has all planned events or enemies, development will switch completely to these battles. 

For now, this is the only solution that will more or less speed up the development of the game. This only applies to the main projects. Because the other projects are already on a long development).

That's all I can say for now.

Now I'm off to work to finish the SS2 update sooner.

Write what you think about the split or the various bugs or anything on the projects.

I'll try to answer everything.




moving on might not be a if bad thing after all because big fights are long it's boring for you like for we and they are not necessarily always very interest


Looking forward to the All Sizes update.

Ethan Davis

i kind of agree with master rpg maker has a limit that you have flown through with SS2 unfortunately i think it would take longer to learn a new platform as to do the split strat

Ethan Davis

you could also ask for some help 90% of your games revolve around femdom then the odd ball with SS2 also having a fart style of attacks a lot of people enjoy femdom i would imagine its not hard to find someone who would be willing and if your worried about paying someone you have a community with a couple game makers in it where all you have to do is say the word for a little hand

Pablo Garcia

Is there any new news?