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After finally a long time of 2 months, the new attack is ready!

It was hard work, as very often there was not enough time to work on this project. But now it is ready!

In this attack, Mika will try to kiss too small a player. If you refuse, you will be punished. If you refuse many times and try to escape, Mika will just crush you with her body and then play with you some more. After all, you are only a pathetic ant in her hands. Simply put, not failure of  last QTE. 

All links in the Update text file have been updated.

Well, enjoy just that for now and don't forget to report any errors.

The script file from the previous post also works. This is in case the Boss_Meter script or something is still causing an error.

The next attacks for Mika and Mery will be about breasts. I hope I won't be too long in developing them. 

That's all. I went back to work. 

Thank you for still supporting me and having the patience to wait for my updates!

P.S: I will put here script files to fix and archive with VL-Gothic-Regular font.

So people don't have to search for them when they need them.




what part of her body she uses?


She falls with her whole body on the player and then rubs him under her body.


Since this is a 3 attack, she mostly uses her mouth to attack. Like Mery.


Glad you're back to work on this project. Sounds exciting, I think it's not worth giving up kissing with Mika)


So.. I can't get past the second attack on mika new attack because of of the icons literally is an X and a question mark? I don't know what button to press.. Is that intended? or am I missing something?


The commands for this plugin use the keys on the standard control. So if you changed the control via F1, the plugin will not see your key and will put a picture of X with the question mark. On the second Mika attack the default control combination is "Down", "A", "A", "X", "Up", "Right".


I tried the input and no good. I haven't ever changed any button controls for this game so everything should be normal. No idea why its doin that ...


Perhaps the keys are mixed up. You can check this by pressing F1, going to the Keyboard tab and pressing Reset to reset the keys to their defaults. You can also determine which key is displayed as an X with the question ? And I will be able to tell you which key should be there in the F1 settings.


I already reset them just in case earlier. I tried inputting my X button like you mentioned before and it was wrong. not sure what else I can do really. according to my buttons on default enter and space are both "C" . Escape and Numb0 are "B". Shift is "A". Z is "C". X is "B" C, V, and B don't have anything on them A is "X" S is "Y" D is "Z" Q is "L" W is "R"


Yes, you have all the right buttons and they should all be displayed during the QTE second attack. And, of course, press them too. Because it works for me. The exception, when it doesn't work, is if you satrt the game from a save file. There by the old script is a combination of Down A A B. But the B button is not in the plugin. Therefore, the third button may appear as an X with a question in the center. It's like an unknown. However, this combination has been corrected and became Down A A X. Where X was normally displayed. But the old save files could still have the old combination. That's why you should always start the game as NEW. Either this is the reason or you have something wrong with the X button.


Meh. I dunno. every version of the game has worked so far until this one so I can't say. I just gave the new game a try and it still had the error button unfortunately.. Dunno tho man. All the buttons are good it seems but something just ain't workin on my end it seems. Couldn't tell you why. Guess i'll just wait till next version and see what happens lol