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Hello, everybody!

It's the 4th of April, it's another Status game post, and as usual, I have nothing to say).

I talked about my problems in these months in the last post, so this time I will briefly summarize the situation on the projects.

In SS2, the endings for twin bosses are next in line. It will be a long ending about how Kid gets enslaved. Alas, I can't tell you the details, but smart people have already figured out how Kid will be enslaved).

There are two important things in GD2. One of them is a small event for Aysoka. Since she is an evil character, I wanted to show what would happen if a player returned to her after her usual event. Another thing is the final battle against Mika and Mery. To be more precise, the beginning of the development of this battle. Since it's going to be a very big battle.

AllSized and SimGD will finally be updated next week... Well, I hope so.).

In AS will be added a new enemy, it's an ordinary nurse, who is both evil, cruel and good gentle. Also in the game there are new systems and battles with enemies have become more difficult. 

In SimGD will be added event with awakening in the morning from Sayana, which I promised. All I have to do there is make a chest.

If everything goes well, these updates will be released within the next week.

Well, that's all the changes I can tell you so far. It's not yet clear to me when I can do the picture project. But I'm hoping to be able to make it this month.

That's all. Thank you for your support and for your patience with my delays.)

I ran away to keep working so I could make it on time.

All questions... Well, you already know where to leave them.)




i am so excited




Aysoka it's who ?


I hope everything really goes well for you and you can finish everything by the deadlines. Keep it up

John Bernard

Your games are worth the wait, don't stress yourself out my friend ✌️


I am looking forward to it. I support you


Is any plan to make Girl same cruel like Thug girl ? But she should have Stockings and heels and kill Hero under High heels , slowly and Enjoyable please ?


I can't tell you that for sure. In GD2 and SS2 games it's a rare moment. And the plan is not yet to create a character that matches your description. But in AllSized game Nurse Girl will be added soon, that has attacks with heel. Also in this game the next opponent will probably also have heels and pantyhose, and she will be brutal. But that's not for sure, although there is such an enemy in the plans. And maybe it will be added next month.


I will keep watching forward for that , girl in pantyhose stocking in heels and Brutal using Heels as a weapon of Humilation , sound very interesting . I love that Thug girl but in different outfit , I cant wait to see what you have in ur mind you have amazing content , and that lose with Thug girl was great Idea, only wish that 1 girl have to use Her Heels as her main weapon =) thank you . =)


I'm sure that most of us here are looking forward to skunk girl in SS2


unable to find vl gothic font.


Это самый обычный шрифт для Windows. Его часто используют программы Rpg maker, на котором сделаны игры, подобные моим. Его легко по названию можно найти в интернете.


Не думал создать как нибудь игру или добавить босса в 1 из игр с фут гаг и трамплинг горла с видом на сцены сбоку и снизу?Спасибо что делаешь игры,пока оформил за 3 бакса и тестирую все.Кстати насчет SimGd с сестрой сейчас нет не каких взаимодействий?А то шкала фемдом и гигант есть,но как ее вкачать не понятно.


Насчёт создание игры с таким контентом, нет не думал. Хот яи нетрудно создать что-то вроде небольшой игры, ориентированный на такой контент, но на подобное банально нету времени, так как игр немножко больше чем дохера и мне просто времени на всё не хватит. А вот добавление такого босса или контента в уже существующие игры вполне возможно. Не скажу про главные проекты, но вот в тот же AllSized или Sim GD такой контент вполне может появится. Так как они не слишком узконаправленные. Контент с сестрой же должен по идее быть следующим. Хотя тут бы закончить все сценки хотя бы с горничной, но это опять дохера всего. Поэтому в следущих обновах скорее всего будет добавлено что-то про сестру. Чтобы у неё был хоть какой-то контент.