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Hey, everybody!

It is time to resume the results of the past month and these results are good enough.

Chapther 1  -  87% 

Location College.

Enemy in college: Frightened student-girl(FT).

FT Easy Attack - 3/3
FT Normal Attack - 3/5
FT Hard Attack - 7/7

FT End - 5/5

Next target: Two Guardians event.

So, the FT Girl character came out on time and according to plan. Although the enemy wasn't too content, the battle with it wasn't too easy. In other words, Scary! Yeah, that's what she said to me)

In the next update to GD2, I will probably be able to make a new demo so that you can at least understand what's going on in the game. The character tests don't say anything about it. Also, the next goal I decided to make the event two guards.

As you know from history, Mika, after the battle with the player, was supposed to come to the roof of the university and there Mery was supposed to take her out of this world... You didn't know that? Man, I was a spoiler, I think!)

But it doesn't matter) To get to the roof, you'll have to walk past two schoolgirls who will be waiting for us on the stairs. That's what the two guards will be about, where the player will have to pass by them. Or get caught and become their toy)

However, it's not gonna happen for a while. Since there will be an update for SS2 in the current month. A new enemy is already being prepared. I don't know if I'll be able to do it in time, but it will definitely come out to punish naughty students) The strict teacher, you saw her in end with Murky, will be your next enemy.

These are the plans for major projects. Now let's talk about additional projects.

The new version of the simple game All Sized is almost ready. The new enemy there is completely ready in terms of attacks and endings and it remains only to make various balance settings to make the version of the game was more good. Therefore, the new version will be gothic literally in a couple of days. Maybe tomorrow.

The project, which should be simple but has turned out to be too cumbersome, called Sim GD is also not abandoned and its development continues. I try to spend all my free time on this project, but the good demo version is still a bit far away. About the next thing, I have to do before I can show it off.

For Maid Sayana makes 2 events.

For Sister(new character) make 3 events. 

Make 2 new locations and make 1 event for the characters of these locations.

Well, that's a lot to do. However, after this list of updates, I will be releasing more often for this project... Well, so I plan to at least)

That's all I wanted to say. Leave your questions in the comments so that I can at least try to answer them.

I can't say anything about Discord yet, but it will be on Monday the 7th when I start my work week. A small server to discuss my projects or something else. 

That's it for me. I went on to work.

P.S: The picture shows a new enemy of AllSized.




Can you make a video of the new updates pls.


Of the games like you had a video about Murky's new attack right make that for other girls too. I have no computer but i wanna see whats the game look like you know.


Well, here I can tell you just to watch my YouTube channel. Because I was planning to post a video of the SS2 project on it. Although there will only be a free version of the game in the video, which is publicly available, there are already enough girls there. I also plan to make a video showing every girl in the game. But developing games takes too much time with me. So I can't say when these videos will be ready. For the same reason, I don't have time to make videos with new updates. But I will keep that in mind and in the next updates, I will try to make some kind of video about updates. As for the content that has already been released, you just need to wait here. Because once I say I will, someday it will happen.


maybe in the future in SS2 you can make murky or other girl turn girls into succubus? (just curious)


It's possible, but I'm afraid I won't have the time and imagination to do it)