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Hi guys)

And I will say right away, having destroyed your thoughts about this picture) The picture above is not a game, that is, it will not be in the game. I did it recently in half an hour, since I didn’t have pictures from future updates (Although they usually are). Also this situation is impossible in the game. This is a very distant future)

But something besides the characters in this image is true. My state at the beginning of 2019) Do not worry, now I am healthy, but on January 1, right after 12 o'clock, I was attacked by poor conditions). This is a high temperature (39.8, I almost burned out) and a terrible cough, and vomiting with nausea, and even some bodily injuries then, not to mention headaches and pressure. Well, it was fun)

Therefore, this Status Game came out today. Well, yesterday I still had a not very normal state)

Now, what progress was there for December, if it was at all:


Netral GD: vs Mary

Chapther 1  -  77% 

Location College.

Event in college: 3/3

Enemy in college: 50%

1st Enemy  -  98%  

Mika Normal Level : 9/9 attack

Mika Hard Level: 13/14

Mika Death Scene: 2/3. 

Now about GD2. All January I will be working on this project. Random events that happen if a player gets a little lost). I can not say sure, but I will try to make all 3 events. This is my goal, but now, due to my health condition and other factors, I cannot be sure that I will be in time. Although there content is not complicated, so everything can be. In short, I will work hard and the content will definitely be .... Well, at least some)

I have it all. I will still try to work and not be ill (although the latter is more difficult). And I will try not to be lazy and do everything on time)

Everything, I ran) Otherwise, she caught me...

Mery: Hey, I didn't get it! Why aren't you in bed ?!

Um, well, I'm fine) And I have to work.

 Mery:  Where are you in fine! Did you see the temperature ? What is she like ?

Weeeell, she is big) Within 39)

 Mery:...........QUICKLY IN BED, I SAID!  {~>o<~}!!!



Kevin D Sauls

Hey Netral good luck on the update and thanks for the monthly status report as usual! Also most importantly take care of yourself and feel better!


avoid overwork especially if you sick and take a break


Stay Strong and don't overwork Netral work in your own speed, its alright to wait &lt;3 just stay strong my friend

Procrastinator Brad

get to bed you mad lad, you needn't kill yourself for a progress report.

David Uryus

I wanna say you only one thing: please take care of your health that it's the most important thing. Later you continue the progress of your awesowe games! ;)


Please be safe! We can wait for the game! Just stay healthy!


<a href="https://ibb.co/LnBpMm1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ibb.co/LnBpMm1</a> Она убивается с одного удара


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