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As I said before, I have some free time, which I spend on various things that can be useful for further work. Sometimes it's experiments, sometimes some projects, sometimes something else.

Now I want to take this time by some one project that would slowly develop along with two major projects. However, at some point I could not choose)

At the moment I want to develop 3 different projects.

Here is their short description and links to the latest versions.

Giantess Incident


This is my old project, which appeared before the creation of SS (Sucubus Sister). The game was to be a mixture of fights in the JRPG style and battles with the Gigantic opponent. At the moment, version 0.3 is available, where there are already 3 bosses. Alas, further development has stopped, since I started animation.

All sized


This is the project I once started to do to realize the idea of ​​battles only with the bosses, as it was in GD 1. But I decided to do a little differently and realize the idea of ​​larger sizes of these bosses. In other words, as the game progressed, the size of the bosses themselves had to increase. alas, I managed to do only two enemy)

Sim GD


This project has appeared at me more recently. He had to combine two ideas.

1. Create a city where all the girls from Random Picture would live.

2. Create a game not about fight with girls, but about winning their sympathy.

In a game that looks like a novel, you play as a fetishist, who is very eager that girls dominate him. But for this it is necessary to win their trust. At the moment in the game there is only the location of the House and 2 characters. The maid of Sayana (has 4 scenes) and your younger sister, who can reduce you if needed.

Here are 3 projects. I warn at once, they do not have animation. I'm going to do them to take a break from the basic work. They are suitable for this.

Of course, I want to work immediately on all 3 projects. But I can create only one project. Otherwise, progress will be very small.

Therefore, whoever wants, vote.

Who needs it, ask.

I'll work for now, since there are still a lot of work.



I think Sim GD has potential and you can make worth of that. Good luck.


I like your game But at Giantess Incident I can not defeat the boss is strong I want to see all the animations I'd like help with the most powerful weapons, etc. I wish! ! I am sorry I may have become funny English because I used a translation site.]


really don't like Sim GD text base hentai just talking your way through trail and error is not very good I prefer to fight the girl trying to beat her with my methods with her trying to beat me with her methods...


I like all the three project, but Sim GD is something really new with a LOT of possibility. Being able to see the girl you create in an another angle (not in a fight), make me really curious. And since it's a novel, maybe the game will have some "dead end" >:)


I also think that Sim GD has potential. It would be better though if you could persuade a girl to do certain things, instead of having them pre-scripted like that (but that may be due to the early development phase). And then you have to be careful what exactly you wish for or else you might die during the process.


It was planned to do just a city with different tugs, in which the player must find all the girls, win their confidence and open all their scenes. But it's quite possible something like quests or the storyline.


According to the plan, a certain scene opens after reaching the level of sympathy. Only GTS scenes will be buy for the points of desire of a certain girl. But I quite can make so that there was a choice, that the girl should make. Also, when the scene is opened, its easy version is available as a query, in which it is possible to realize the choice possibility. As for the death of the player, I do not know. The game has the health of the player and it ends when the scene. But the player simply transfers to his room. Therefore, the only minus of death is the points not received after the scene. Although for the hard, you can add the possibility of death or lowering the level. I'll think about it.


sense it seems I am the only one thats in a disagreement here.... Even if Sim gets voted in you still going to work on succubus sisters?


Of course. Succubus Sister 2 is my main project. Therefore, the time that I spend on its development will not decrease. He will continue to develop at the same pace as usual.


And when the Next demo of ss2 come?

Princess Narii

Ow i love a Sim where you slowly get dominated by woman. I would personally prefer it to be a man that is not in to those things But i guess thats personal that i prefer to feel dominated when i do not like it I do hope tho no mather how the man in you stick to try to add in alot of fetishes and each girl has their own kink that sounds kinda good. So that besides perhaps fart and feet there are some others. For example sissy stuff who knows what more.


So,how to play the sim? I means i have already played the three trample thing,but how to open the GTS thing? that girl's point is only 12/100.


You need to get the maid's desire point, which you get when you survive in the scene. You can start the scenes from the Request menu. Need 50 points. There is an error in the text.


At first I thought of making a player an ordinary person who does not like such things and will suffer from them. But here the question arises. According to the gameplay, there is an opportunity to ask the girls to make certain fetishes. But why do it to an ordinary person who does not like these things? This would not have been logical. Therefore, the player likes these things. Although it was possible to create a story that a player once loved such things. Then a curse or something happened and it became normal. Then the goal of the game will return his love for fetishes.


It will be possible in early September. Because I do not have time to finish it before the end of August. Presumably it will be ready on September 1 or 4. I'll try to do it quickly.


Guys, I added in Sim GD the opportunity to get experience without going through the scene. This opportunity is in the player's room. This will save the moments when a new scene opens, but the player just did not have enough HP to pass. And the scene was obsessed with, as there was nowhere to take the experience. This is a temporary solution.


But is there a demo of sim?

David Uryus

I already knew Giantess Incident, it was very funny with a very light story and a good 4 vs 1 combat system in Jrpg style and 3 big and so good boss (the last is the best for me). I'd like very much to see a continue of this old project game but today I see and try this 2 new project that are a lot interesting! All Sized is interesting with a different combat animation by the girls (where I can find the crystal for fight the giant? xD) but Sim GD....wow...a new style game, well done, another so good news! With this new title you can indulge in the plots with characters both inside the house and away from home, missions and missions, objects to find, people to talk to and possibly even some "bulla / enemy" outside, new places, if you want it is a game where you can really give free rein to all your fantasies. Here is another title that I can not wait to see developed beyond the main ones. BUG Sim GD: Often during the dialogue with the maid, trying to go out and come back into the kitchen the protagonist gets smaller as if the sister had made him the spell "size" but leaving the room then back to normal.


It's strange. This view with a small size is turned on only by the switch that the sister changes. Well, I probably messed up there with pictures. Well, I can not without mistakes in any way) I'm always in a hurry)


In general, I really would like to develop all three projects. But alas, I'm still alone and I do not have time. Therefore, I have to choose.


i have 2 ask for you about sim gd: 1 in this demo are there any scenes with your sister? if yes, how about point of sympathy i do for unlock this? 2 when i finish the facesitting with the maid the game tell me of the facesitting is unlocked but if i try to click to request this is the test i read: "this character still does not make request yet"... why? is the demo finished or is a bug?

David Uryus

I fully agree with you about everything. Until now you have not only done wonderful jobs in a short time, but you have further developed new projects and ideas, but it is also true that for one person it is impossible to do so many things together. Personally I prefer that for now you focus on the jobs you are already working on, doing too many things together alone is stressful and ruin the quality of your work. Do everything calmly and serenely, first the main projects and then the other project. We are all on your side and we are rooting for you;) PS: If I had to make a ranking of preference on the 3 projects would be this: 1. Sim GD 2. Giantess Incident 3. All Sized

David Uryus

1. If you see in the menu "Data" Sister you can see 0 Femdom - 0 GTS (nothing Attack), the Maid have 3 Femdom attack (If I'm not mistaken). 2. Oh You are right, that BUG I have it too, after the 3rd Maid scene (a FANTASTIC facesitting scene) disappear all request.


1. At the moment, Sister does not have any scenes. But they will be in the future. That is why there is a level of sympathy. 2. Yes, there is such a mistake. And it works right after the second scene. But I fixed it) Download the demo. The link is the same.


I was always wanting to see where you took giantess incident since it kinda dissapeared a long time ago in production so if it started up again that would be awesome!


sim gd can contain kiss marks by the girls or something similar? and can add a bimbo girl o something like that? only if you can


Нейтрал я хотел спросить когда ты запишешь ролик на игру succubus sister 2 на ютюб?


А фиг знает. Мне этот ютуб стал многие ролики удалять или ограничения ставить, так что я пока не могу туда ничего загрузить. тем более что в SS2 контент можно назвать запрещённым. Одни Loli Succubus и Baby Girl чего стоят. Если только ещё куда выкладывать, но у меня на это времени нет.


Не проверял. Но на твич врятли. На рутубе возможно тоже. Поудаляют. и всё. Можно на FC2, но это не особо важно. Кому надо, те сделают видео и сами выложут, благо демка есть бесплатная.


Жаль а я ведь благодаря ютюбу ваш контент и нашел это ведь хорошая возможность протолкнуть продукт а там и другие начнёт снимать.


Продукт не настолько качественен, чтоб быть популярным. Вон некоторые проекты и сами по себе становятся популярными и авторы ничерта для этого не делают. Поэтому если игры сами по себе не очень распространились то значит продукт так себе.


проект может быть как качественными так и оригинальным или необычной например есть флешь игра hobo простенькая ну интересная тоже и вас есть перспективы ведь подобные игры которые делают очень редкие поэтому вы в какой то мери делаете революцию в жанре так что удачи вам:)


Will the new game be better translated into english then your previous games?


I do not know. But most likely not. Since there is no editor, which would correct the text and I myself do not know English well in terms of grammar.


But the succubus sister 2 demo was a bit better translated then your previous games so I thought that the new games would be better translated too


For Succubus Sister 2, there is an editor that corrects my grammatical errors.


ahh ok, maybe ask them politely to edit other games, either way i'll still enjoy them lol


Hi, i am few years ago comment in 'Rika foot play' youtube video ask for some 'shoes interactions' player. I'm very excited when you finish the project of'nightmare mode' which is suitable for my fetishment. Could you also put more 'shoes interaction' in your next development . (when i playing SimGD i saw Sayana's shoes i really want she step on me with her shoes~~)