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It again 4 number.............Okay, this is the 5th of the month) Well, this all happens)

So, to sum up the past month. They were much worse.

But first, on the status of the game:


Netral GD: vs Mary

Chapther 1  -  58% 

Event on Location.

Event in City: 1/3

1st Enemy  -  93%  

Others Enemy - 40%

Mika Normal Level : 9/9 attack

Mika Hard Level: 10/14

Mika Death Scene: 2/3. 

Progress in projects is really small at this time. It happened in the first place because of the hard work.

On the other hand, Netral GD 2, the battle with Mika, too, should be made at the level of the battles of the first game. It must be something between the usual battle and interactive. But the result is a battle on the boss level. Although this is the first enemy. And because of this, the project also slowed down.

And all this happens for one simple reason. I can't tell myself to stop)

I played a lot of different games, both good and bad, but in very many, I saw a simple picture, when the authors of using 1 or 2 images created a stage from which you have the hand itself fell down)

Such scenes do not get tired to reconsider, and every time I watch, excited. On the one hand, some of the scenes were from only one picture(often not complete) and text. And after reading the text(often in broken English, which is derived from Japanese) you involuntarily imagine everything in my head.........and, too excited)

In other words, it was not always a pretty picture, and good flow of content. But with all this there was my negative - impatience. 

Every time I've played these games, I involuntarily shouted at the women: why you just crushed him ? I took 5-6 hours of play time to see just a crush ?!

Or, for example, Knowing that a certain girl is your favorite scene(e.g. butt crush) you get to it and wait for a beautiful scene.....But you becomr little red spot. And it turns out she did there ACCIDENTALLY sit on you........And you're thinking: is that all ?

As a result, the required content was not enough and it was terribly angry. And then my patience was over and I began to do this content myself. First the video, then the game. The first Netral GD was generally planned as a test. It would be a simple battle using 5 or 8 images .............. What happened as a result? For almost 4 years of development, there were 4 enemies and just a LOT different images. That is, I wanted to do more and more.

Then this impatience turned into a test project Succubus Sister, which simply turned from an animated battle into a mini-game. And the game on demand Riko Foot Play, which must also be experimental turned into an interesting mini-game with a bunch of text and scenes.

Now this impatience also affects the current two projects. Because there's almost nobody to tell me STOP)

Therefore, I'm sorry if I'm very keen on developing)

All went to work)

If Mary (the one from Netral GD) will look for me, then tell her: his works)



Kevin D Sauls

Reading this description fills me with joy because as an artist myself we don't want to settle with what we've already done we want to push the boundaries further and further! It is good hearing your thought process with your mindset and with the small tidbits you show us and allow me to easily wait for your releases. I wish other artists would take notes because you have good PR (Public Relation) Skills even though your english isn't perfect. Keep up the good work I'll be rooting for you!


As my opinion, If someone(girl) sits on character’s face(Boy), then it couldn’t distinguish his face where are his nose, eyes, mouth, so that it couldn’t be made excited because it couldn’t have imagine easily. I think it would be better when the scene shows that situation, then we could be known that he is suffering where his part, and what he faces what situation. However, this way will be hard because it need to be made so many animations. So, at least, character’s motion, text are the most important like detailed situation describing;what she will do to him. And each scene needs many attacks frequency. Many small attacks with the big damage, or many big attacks with such the huge damage like alomost died situation are easy to be aroused. I hope you more and more develope!Please keep your working best.


a naked or cloth option in the Miku fight would be very nice in ss2. i am more the cloth fan. But great work.


Don't worry, you're the best, and the best can make only best game ;) c'mon man i wait Your work every day only because your work are awesom! Bye bye, See you soon 😉


you think it would be better to focus on one game and then finish the other? or does it help you to do them both at the same time?


Miku in clothing will as the other extra boss, which will be the location of the School.


I do them at the same time, because among the people there as fans of GTS and fart. Therefore, it would be wrong to try only on one project.


gotta ask would you use models that other people make 0w0 because I will make one if you would use her for a enemie free of charge of course ^w^


Yes, it is quite possible. I mainly use the 3DCG model. But you yourselves know that these models are not the best. So I'll be glad if anyone could suggest a model. Well, we'll see whether it is possible from the model to make a good enemy. In fact, when the game is ready, any enemy will be done on request.