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Well, as I promised, I will show what I worked on last months)

Well, not quite everything I will show, but enough)

Here are the links to the video: 


Between Bare Foot 


Enjoy watching)




Sorry for possible problems with the video. I'm trying to upload a higher quality video, but for some reason it does not work.

Kage Nakayama

Good stuff, can't wait to see it in the game. I also wonder what the other deadly attack will be, but anyway it's clear there's a ton of effort put into it so i see why it took about a month to make.


Okay, the video was uploaded to YouTube. In the ass this Google, which the video can not normally show. Now I will use only YouTube.


Looks reallly good, the wait to play is tiring e.e

Kevin D Sauls

after finally seeing some results this last months wait will be worth it even tho it will feel like so long. Your passion and work ethic are so amazing Netral it's nice to see everytime you make something ot just gets better and better not to mention you're working on 2 games at once as well!


What a shame she is not in shoes. She should have an option with her wearing shoes.

Kevin D Sauls

So just wondering netral are we looking at more of an August release or an September release?


Since there are many works, I can say only one thing. I plan to release a demo of both projects around August 25-30. And I will try to do everything to make the demo incomplete. According to the plan, the project Netral GD 2 to be the beginning of history, and the first enemy with an easy and normal difficulty. To do this, I still need to make one scene (and I probably will not have time to make an attack), so that the demo is finished. In project SS2 I have to finish a new enemy and make a scene with loli and theien succubi (where the first demo ended). Although I want to do everything, but time is short. Therefore, it is possible that something will be added later in September (in a post to the demo it will be said exactly what).


It could be good to alternate months on projects, though, I think your pace is fantastic. Having two projects will keep you from burning out on the same one, though, more focus on one close to a workable demo is a good idea.

Kevin D Sauls

Glad you agree with my sentiments. Not only does this give him constant work without being overwhelmed but we as his fans get to get sample sized instead of gorging on everything at once then waiting again.