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Second release of the month, the Aegyptian Royal Dreadnought!

Presupported and features various modular parts: 3 Torso fronts, 4 Arm Weapons (PowerStaff, ChainKhopesh, PowerClaw, and TwinAutoCannon) + an arm holding a PowerShield, shoulder mounted Laser, Flame thrower and Bolt gun, 3 torso Missile variants, DoubleEnergyCannon, 3 Decorated Shoulder variants, 2 Front cloths, 3 Top Ornaments and more.  Details shown in the Assembly pictures.

IMPORTANT: Mirror weapons, and other parts (designated "mirror") to get the L/R versions.

Modular pieces compatible with previous Dreadnoughts.

Print on 88% - 90% scale if you want to proxy 90mm base dreadnoughts.

Long live the entombed Pharaoh!




The Shoulder Laser Gun supported is bad, cant load into slicer to or to windows 3d to repair.

Tom Blue

Note that there are Lychee Scenes dir for Lychee slicer, and Supported dir which you can use in any.


Has anyone else had issues with the DreadPowerStaff_R supported version? For some reason I can't open the Lychee file, can't load the pre-supported STL file into Lychee, and I can't open the pre-supported STL file using the windows STL viewer. The unsupported version opens just fine. Thanks.


Hey Sorry, was out for a couple days, thanks for looking into it! loving the models!