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braxton webb

Excellent timing. Looks great.

Clint D.

Curiosity sake...what will be his size? Like the giants, or larger?🤔

Clint D.

And what would you say would be the scale to make him lore accurate?

Tom Blue

He's gonna be the primary archon kinda size, but I can check Saturday to tell you what reduction to make to fit the original..

Clint D.

Doesnt he wear a dreadnought chassis as his armor? Trying to figure options for those who want him to work with their wai toa armies and those who love the accurate scaling you do. Your truescale dreads have been a smash. Probably have a question a day as to when and where a wai dread is coming.....🤔😁


Thank you so much for your hard work. This model is gonna look awesome chewing through my opponents!

Tom Blue

I've heard that too, but it doesn't show on the art.. Yup, there will be dreads..:)


So he towers over firstborn, I'd say in the lore he's at the very least Primaris or taller. I converted him with tor garadon ala Doompig.


Yes! He looks amazing!


Beautiful! I've looked at a few prints for this fella over the years and this is by far the nicest option for him.


More along the Prime Arrch Row Boat/ the new A Bad Man scale then? I've seen a few done to that scale. I loved his resin model's hunger and slake design. But these look absolutely savage.

chang yang

Omg yes!!!!

Lucas French


Mohammed Almoallim

Which character is this model supposed to represent ? 🤔 I’m unfamiliar with the lore

James Liapis

Oh man thank you for this one that looks absolutely amazing!