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Oh that's awesome, glad I finally ended up joining after looking at this patreon for a while


Impressive. I should connect to discord to advocate for giant hyenas for we the evil. Or jackals for the Aegyptians. Or giant hands made of corpses and mechanic elements for the Manus mortis. The good part is, it looks that you can make an epic sculpt out of an armored pigeon riding an ornitorrincus. So keep going!

Tom Blue

Thanks man, and good ideas... thought about some crazy hyena type mounts myself:)

Christopher Chi

yes....yes....yes... i've been waiting for this glorious figure


My thousand sons aren’t going to like that but this model ist just wow

Marco Emmanuel Patiño Acosta

Wow, love that the asgardians keep receiving love <3, now some more love to the templars would be appreciated :D (we don't even have bases except for the emperor's champion one)


this is really cool, I'd love to see a pure fantasy variant too

Ashley Bassett

Is this a character or part of a squad?


*chefs kiss*

Kevin Tavares

Looks amazing as usual!!!


Bro.... This is golden...

garbarino72 .

Absolute a work of art!!!!

Tom Blue

Glad you like:) Hey now, didn't templars get a heavy squad last month?:) Also, the Lancers, Templar cavalry, have ornamented bases, and there will be more for sure...

Marco Emmanuel Patiño Acosta

Yes, but they don't have 32mm bases to accompany any of their squads :D, but keep the good work (and keep releasing asgardians and templars as they're my favorite haha)

Tom Blue

I usually make the special bases just for characters and mounted squads, but I've been asked a lot lately to make more ornamented bases, so expect some bases packs in the future:)

Mark Campbell

best yet maybe this should have been 3 month prize but i sure aint arguing

Dale Woodruff

I know that orcs are the "go to" scavenger types, but I would LOOOOOOVE to see an alternative scavenging xenos. Rat folk with guns and armor that look scavenged would be so awesome.

Tom Blue

I too like all that and more:) There is a xenos tier in the plans, just waiting for the right time.