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Third release of the month, the Hades Demon Dreadnought!

Presupported and features various modular parts, including 2 main cannons (AutoCannon and EnergyCannon), shoulder mounted Flame thrower, 3 torso Missle variants, 2 Claw vaiants, Demon head and Sarcophagus torso tronts, Tail, and more.  Mirror legs, arms and Exhausts to get the full set - details shown in the Assembly pictures.

Modular pieces compatible with previous Dreadnoughts.

Now let that galaxy burn!



Scott Woods

Killa job mate, damn!

Seppo K

The modularity of these is awesome.


Mwahahahaha. The time has come! Something is skipping the printing queue.

Tom Blue

Glad to hear! Can be combined with the previous dreads to make all sorts of monstrosities:)


But very welcome for those of us who want to see the galaxy burn (and in a way, evil way, he is very nice)

R L Green

The lunging pose is definitely my favourite!

Seppo K

Oh yes. It’s not that usual nowadays yo have that sort of customizability.

Tom Blue

The pose is inspired by Renaum from discord, he did that with the Silverback - just had to snatch it for this one:)

R L Green

It's very menacing 😬

Kristian Caldicott

Already started printing, this thing is insane :D

Seppo K

It’s easier to make a model that works in a limited way. Personally I don’t like that just because the legendary GW mono pose marines were actually worse than their previous squatting marines just because everything looked exactly the same and that’s super boring. Thanks for not jumping on that bandwagon.

Tom Blue

Agreed. Always enjoyed kitbashing so monoposing wouldn't cut it. Maybe for some special characters when it cannot be avoided, but those are rare cases, and even then you can make most of it modular with a bit of extra effort. Modularity gives everyone the creative options so I'll always opt for that.

Joseph Yunecko

I'm so excited to print. already sliced and in queue with other models lol I need more printers

Dwayne Hinton

why don't i ever find so many options on official products?!? bro... this one is another homerun - OUT THE BALLPARK!!

Dwayne Hinton

AND that sarcophagus!!! it has "soul drinkers" written ALL over it! now just need a good Sarpedon to rip Daenyathos out of that sarcophagus!

Dwayne Hinton

And a fancy relic spear?!

Dwayne Hinton

ok... but sarpedon only has one spider leg that's metal, the rest are um... whatever normal spider-human flesh is