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Fourth (4/4) release of the month, a gift for reaching the 400 patrons goal, the Knights Angelic. Thank you very much to all who support me!

Presupported and features various interchangeable parts: 6 Torsos, 6 Helms, 10 Pauldrons, 3 Backpacks, 3 Bases, 2 Weapons + 3 Shields and 2 Horse poses each with either Dual Bolter or Dual Plasma loadout. Horses can be mirrored for two extra poses and arms for greater variety.




This is absolutely amazing! <3 Does this mean the lion cavalry are next? :D

Daniel Sanchez Torres

I really love your desings... I wish I would have in the future enough models to field a Micoic chapter XD

I am Garlug

Love the theme of these guys. Infantry and characters please!

Jens Engborg

Awesome models. Saw the post on /r/PrintedWarhammer and knew I had to join this Patreon as so many of the parts will be perfect for my Celestial Lions.


I’m gonna try to push 500 for you guys(:

Tom Blue

Thanks and welcome! More Lion-themed stuff is coming, in the meantime you can check out the free stuff I've done on Cults, there are some lion goodies there as well :)