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Mike MIchelsen

Dude, facebook was worth so much money. Look up an artist named David Choe, if you don't already know him. He's famous(and infamous) for all sorts of things. But he painted murals at facebook's first two California HQs. Took stock in lieu of payment. When fb had their IPO in 2012... His stock was worth 200 million. Hahahahahahahaha, could you imagine??

Andrew Clifton

Yea this was a solid movie forsure. Even though Sean Parker is still worth 2.8B I take comfort in knowing that Edwardo passes on him being worth 21.5B. Mark did end up paying the Winklevoss twins 65M. They turned around and invested in crypto and are now worth 1.8B. So realistically that lawyer lady was right. It was like paying a speeding ticket now that Mark is worth 136B. In the end though they're all billionaires and all came out on top in some way.