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I mean, she had her head knocked against a sone wall at hyperspeed like 25 times, so she might have just been a bit disoriented? Maybe

Sean O'Brien

I was in a situation like the plane scene... It'shard being in that situation, where trying to save the other person/people means nobody makes it out, so you just have to watch it happen. There's a certain sense of, logically knowing that there is nothing you can do... But wishing with all your heart that you could do something, no matter how desperate. They actually captured that feeling in her really well. The way Homelander acted was also really well done. They show him as having no remorse, but in that situation, despite how they really feel, the Leader of the Group needs to be like that. The biggest part for someone in that position... is to give the other person/people someone to blame. It's a sort of "Trauma Mitigation" tactic. Everybody is going to be Traumatized, but the leader acts like a villain, so their team won't blame themselves. It makes "Giving up" and "accepting it" a whole lot easier. If that makes sense. That's a reallllllly hard thing to pull off and get across, but they did a great job of it. I know seeing stuff like this can be beneficial to people who have experienced it themselves. For me, there is a character in the show "Arcane" who is dealing with PTSD... and when I watched it, I teared up... not because it was hard to watch, but because I knew that someone understood, and told their story through those scenes. I teared up because despite the content, it was still beautiful. Also, it does a fantastic job of bringing awareness and understanding to the whole thing.