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I hope he is joking when he said model images should have disclaimer that this look is not realistic or healthy. Something to that affect is a joke im sure as most people with functioning brains should would know that. I miss having actual good looking women as models not ladies who look like the Waffle House waitress. Back o this movie and its clever comedy and its a gem and a good reaction. The newer one not so much and was under the influence of modern media agendas


Unhealthy beauty standards was a thing at the time if that's what you mean by media agendas. That's why it comes up in the movie, and probably why we've moved away from the trend of models looking downright anorexic like they did in the 90s.

Maggie Jordan

I know this is old, but I forgot how much this movie made me laugh. Most quotable film in my friend group. “I can derelick my own balls” 😂😂