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Xavier Ruffin

I curse that much since I was in the military

Sean O'Brien

In his line of work the cursing makes sense. I was in the Marine Corps and some people are actually way worse. It is a way of de-stressing in a fast-paced Intense line of work. I haven't done much research on the topic but I remember hearing something about how cursing can even reduce pain (which is why so many people do it instinctivley) I cursed a TON in the USMC, but now I say things like, "Golly Gosh" and "That scared the strings right off of my shoes." It's very much a part of the culture, but a lot of people phase out of it when they return to civilian life. It's just one tool in the box that helps you get by during the rough times... where any little "Advantage" can mean life or otherwise... Its a small thing that goes a very long way.