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Andrew Clifton

Such a complex episode with so much to unpack. I'll start simple in saying that the cooking montage with Jesse and Badger was amazing. It mirrors the one from episode 1 with Jesse and Walt except now Jesse is the one being serious and Badger is the goofball. I'm also glad you notice all the fine details like the books on the night stand. This show literally thinks of every little detail. As a 6"4 280 pound guy I concur on the bed size lol. Even a queen feels a bit small for me. The reason Walt doesn't want tom take Gretchen and Elliot's money is simple. Yes, he helped create their company and they do owe him a lot. He won't accept it because he wants to show them that he was able to make it on his own without any help from them. Taking their money is like admitting defeat to him. This is the episode that made me truly detest Skylar. Putting his business out there and trying to run his life. She even had the nerve to shut him out if he didn't make the choice she wanted knowing that he has limited time left and every second counts. She even uses his own son to make him feel like trash. Even though he said his piece and said the choice was his, it was no choice at all after she laid that guilt trip on him. Hank was just talking awkwardly bc he knew this thing was BS and he didn't want to be there. It's bad when even Marie agrees with Walt lol.


You analysis of this show in particular is quite fascinating to watch unfold.