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Molly McAllister

All righty then... Marrying children? Royal Incest? Sorry bro, it's par for the course in Medieval Europe which Game of Thrones is loosely based upon. Funny thing, by Medieval feudal tradition it was possible, even required some times, to 'consumate' a marriage without consumating it... like if the bride was too young at the time, or if the husband wasn't in the same country. The bride and one of the husband's most trusted man-at-arms would sleep together, on Top of the bed sheets. She would be fully clothed, and he would be wearing a suit of full plate armor. As for Renerys and Allicent's relationship... there are theories, will save those for later though. Daemon... Daemon... Daemon... The one thing you can be certain of with Daemon is he's unpredictable, nobody knows what his actual deepest motivations are. He does seem to love his brother and his family truly, but he's rather fond of lashing-out. Could be he's scheming for the Iron Throne for power and glory and other selfish reasons, could be he just wants to be acknowledged by his brother. Could be he insulted his late nephew because he really only wants to keep the title of heir to the throne for himself, could be he did it to deliberately provoke Visareys into a 'shit or get off the pot' scenario and stop wibble-wobbling between officially recognizing Him or Renerys as Heir. Could be he was intending to stage a coup and the stunt with the dragon's egg was just step one, could be he was trying to provoke his brother into getting off his own thumbs and Rule. Renerys... about her being the best/worst diplomat. I think the real deal here is that Renerys has the capacity to be both Bold and Decisive, which are qualities a ruler needs. Daemon knows this, and Daemon knows his brother lacks these qualities.

Silmoheru Rosaslie

you are proper squirmy at things for a firearms lover