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Susan B

Viscerys was married to his sister, so yes there’s a lot of family closeness in this Targeryian era.


I still dont think that Daemon said the whole thing in the bar, the Hightowers have considerable pull with the citadel and would be easy to implant false evidence. It was quite convienent that when Otto was being dressed down by viserys for trying to discredit daemon, I find it suspisous. I belive that daemon would have owned up to it if he had said it and him leaving solidifies Ottos hold over Viserys in listening to his counsel most instead of Daemon. Daemon is all about his house's words fire and blood, with that he values strength of the mind and combat as well as independence. I think he let Viserys believe that he had said it as a fine if you cast me as the villain of this, I will play as you believe so little in me. At least thats what I think...