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Molly McAllister

It's at night, with no moon, The Acheron's not close enough to distinguish that raft from the HMS Surprise. Captain Jack is betting they'll be well enough gone to have lost the Acheron by the time they get close to the raft to realize their mistake. As for why they fled, they mentioned multiple times that the Acheron had 'the Weather Gauge', and even explained what that meant during the dinner scene. (Whoever has 'The Weather Gauge' in an engagement has the more favorable winds, and the Surprise is so far behind the 8-ball compared to the Acheron in so many other aspects that trying to fight with the winds against them would literally be self-deletion)

Zach Greenleaf

So excited to watch this one along with you dude! This is one of my favorite movies. As a history buff myself, I’d have to say that this film depicts life at sea for these sailors in the early 19th Century as accurately as possible. While the story line itself is loosely based off of a real historical figure in the British Navy, and not historically accurate, the rest of the details in this film are impeccable when it comes to historical representation.