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Christian Zwisler

There's soo many comments that i cba to read through them all atm haha, im enjoying the reaction rn. :P The reason why people dont speak Voldemorts name comes from the fact when u speak his name, he always tend to show up, which is bad. :P xD If u pay close attention or go back and fact check it, Voldemort or his death eaters always tend to show up every time his name is spoken out loud (after he reanimated ofc)

Sean O'Brien

I fell from 30+ feet one time. With all the adrenaline pumping, my brain thought back to how many drunk drivers walk out of accidents uninjured, because the Aclohol makes them all Loosey Goosey... and I simultaneously thought about how shocks or whatever they're called in a car work, and applied both of those concepts to myself... A.K.A. Keep my body "rigid" until the moment of impact (when my feet hit the ground) at which point I turned into Jello, a litteral "Bag of Bones" so the Kinetic Energy(?) Of the impact dispersed itself essentially up and out of my body as I "Crumbled" after receiving the initial impact. I immediately stood up and dusted myself off then walked back to my place in formation like nothing had happened.... while everybody just stared at me and the Sergeant Grinkles was like, "How the actual eff are we not carrying your body on a stretcher to medical right now?" To whichbi replied "Science."